Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Another New Year

Another decade coming to a close. Let's see, what happened in the 2000's? I had a baby, my kids both started school, I graduated and got a real job, moved onto my second real job, and lately have noticed the signs of age marching steadily across my face. I figured out how to flat-iron my hair (a major discovery), went from choosing to get highlights and fun colors to being forced to get my hair colored to avoid the "tinsel" look. I have been every size between 6 and 16. I have worked out five days a week, and I have worked out once per blue moon. I discovered a love of shoes, particularly high heels. I started and got sick of various collections. I have steadily accumulated more and more stuff until I can hardly find a nook or cranny to shove one more thing. I discovered that garage sales are a lot of work. I became a rock star on four occasions.

So, what will the next 10 years bring? Who the heck knows?! I could keel over tomorrow for all I know! That's nice. Nice thought, right? Ok, ok. Let's see, barring catastrophe, here are my predictions for the next decade. I will turn 40 and deal with that just fine. One child will graduate high school AND college, and the other will be close to graduating high school. My hair will be really dang gray. I bet I'll keep coloring it. I'll get rid of a lot of stuff on garage sale and get more stuff, and it will bug me if I don't have enough room for all of it. I will either remodel my home or buy a bigger one. I will go on at least one more diet, and will wax and wane with my exercise habits. We'll see how much blogging I do.

Monday, September 28, 2009

On the Mend

Whew. I seem to be back in the land of the living. I am back at work and feeling less and less like a wrung out wet towel. Heck, by this weekend, I may be back to full steam. That would be nice. Two weeks until Covered Bridge Festival, and I don't think I'll make my goal of 140 by then. We'll see. I went to Pilates this morning and was a royal wuss. It felt good to move, though. It just feels good to be able to move at all.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fuze Product Endorsement

While I was ill, I tried to get some form of nutrition via beverages, as this is the only thing that sounded good. I picked up a couple of fruity drinks called "Fuze" and I quite enjoyed them. The one I really liked was a mango combination that was something about "revitalize" and had B vitamins featured on the label.

So, if you are bored and feel like trying out a new fruit drink, check out the Fuze line of stuff. They have some that are labeled "slenderize" which of course is total crap cuz no drink is going to make you slender. Those are just lower calorie (20 as opposed to 180 with the revitalize drink), but still tasty. Man, they should so pay me for this.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Silver Lining

If there is one upside to being sick for a week it is this: weight loss jump start. The tracking space has been collecting dust again over there on the right, not because I haven't been tracking, but because I was embarassed to type the real numbers. I think my weight climbed somewhere up in the 155 region - pretty gross. Well, I had reigned it in a bit and was stuck at 150 pounds. Grrrrr. After a week of being sick, I am back down to 147, and don't have much of an appetite. I'll take it.

I have a couple of motivating events coming up. One of them was the DesMoines trip that I missed (dang it), but the next one is on October 10th - Covered Bridge Days in Winterset. It's like a class reunion where you see a bunch of people you haven't seen in at least a year if not more. You all know there are three reactions to those meetings, "Wow, she looks great!" or "Well, it was nice to see her again." or "Wow, she's really let herself go. I'm surprised." I'm going for reaction #1.

The second event is Legacy Ball in early November. I want to buy a pretty fancy dress and go dancing and feel fabulous. I'd like the dress-buying part to be fun, as well. Yay for motivation. If my diet rules really worked, I'd be down to my goal of 135 by Covered Bridge. I'm shooting for 140 by then, and maybe 135 by Legacy. Cross your fingers that the reduced appetite effect from my illness hangs with me. I deserve SOME sort of silver lining after the week of crap I endured, right?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Getting Rid of Stuff

I have a strange co-occurring set of personality traits. I am very nostalgic and yet I hate having too much stuff in my house. You can see how these two things compete with one another. Nostalgic = collector of stuff with memories attached. Clutter hater = one who throws things out or sells them with regularity; noncollecter.

My mother is a clutter hater and is also nonsentimental. Not that she does not have any sense of sentiment at all, but her pragmatic side rules, ultimately. She has moved a lot, and I think this drives part of her detached stance when it comes to stuff. The other part is that she just feels better in a clean environment and likes to update and redecorate. It is impossible to bring more stuff into an already-full house and have it feel as clean and airy as she likes.

My father is a keeper, and is nostalgic in some ways. He thinks everything can be reused and should be used until it is just plain unsafe. In that way, he is a great environmentalist. In that way, he has no sense of interior decorating style.

My spouse comes from a family of keepers. There are no people who throw things out. Well, his grandma once knocked down their old farmhouse and built a new ranch home, and really has never lived it down. They were rather displeased that many family heirlooms ended up down the old well. In their defense, she didn't ask them if they wanted it, and this was mostly their objection. In her defense, it was her stuff and she can pitch it if she wants to, especially if she wanted new stuff and didn't want to mess with a garage sale.

Sigh. So, I like my environment to be fairly uncluttered. BUT I have a hard time getting rid of things, especially if they were given to me by my inlaws (the keepers - these people still have my husband's baby clothes and changing table), or if they have some family connection. But I have that side of me that says, "Why? Why is that hard to get rid of your newer Fenton glass if you are not that into it any more? So what if your mother-in-law frowns if she knows you want to sell it?"

Can you tell I spent the day cleaning and sorting? Yup, I did. And I STILL think my house is either too small, or I still have way too much stuff.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rules of Dieting

That I have Just Made Up....

Here forward, these shall be the official rules of dieting, because I said so.

1) Any change in exercise, whether it is adding some, increasing intensity, trying something new or stepping foot in a gym = 1 pound lost

2) Any use of the phrase, "No thank you," in response to an offer for an extra treat = 1/2 pound lost

3) Any week of healthy eating = automatic 3 pound loss with extras lost for other rules followed

4) Any lettuce-based salad consumed as a meal where the dip-your-fork-in-the-dressing method is utilized = 1 pound lost

5) Any time dessert is not ordered and you only take a bite of someone else's = 1 pound lost

6) Any time you pick up a bag of chocolates at the store and put them back on the shelf before checkout = 1 pound lost

7) Any time you skip dessert at a pot luck, funeral or buffet = 2 pounds lost

8) All eating on major holidays, birthdays, promotions, or times of great stress = no weight gain

9) Any weight lost during an illness is banished and not allowed to ever return to it's origin, unless the origin invites it back formally.

There you have it. If only it were this way, dieting would be much more rewarding in the short term.

Sickness Sucks

Ok, well, I have been really sick this week. No, that does not really excuse the lack of blog updates. BUT, when I say I was sick this week, I mean SICK. I have not felt this badly in many a moon. It started Monday evening when I got tired really early, and carried into Tuesday when I spiked a fever and went home from work. I hate fevers. I got the kind where it feels like someone is kicking you in the back repeatedly, and your legs have lives of their own and will not sit still. Also, the alternate chills and sweating is not my favorite. Ug, the sweating. It's like I ran a marathon, complete with swamp ass. I have to change my clothes! I only have so many pairs of sweatpants and big tee shirts.

I thought I was better today. Yesterday I woke up with a fever (small comparative to other days, only 101!) that seemed to go away by noon. hooray! I was weak, I was tired, I looked terrible, but I was hopeful. I got up this morning, and still no temp. I drug my tired ass through the motions of getting ready, applying a lot of extra concealer under my eyes to avoid the comments of, "Wow, you don't look like you feel so good." Those are always encouraging, aren't they? Everything wore me out, but I chalked it up to the diet of tea buns eaten when taking 800 mg of ibuprofen. No gas in the tank, folks. I saw patients, thankful for my sedentary job, and then went home for lunch and ate some Cheerios and picked up a vitamin-packed juice (Fuze brand) at the convenience store on the way home. Refueling efforts.

Why the press to get better? Well, besides the obvious point of disliking feeling ill... I had plans this weekend! Oh, and not just any plans, but plans for a girls' weekend away. No kids, no spouses, just me and my girlfriends in DesMoines. We had scheduled spa mornings at Sahar's - a swanky spa in West DesMoines, where I was to enjoy a sweedish massage and a "hand facial" where they wrap you up to your arms in seaweed or mud or sea salt or something, and rub and clean all of your stress away. A spa morning, where you can pretend to be one of those ladies in the movies who is always going to the spa for, well, spa services. The delight did not end there. Heck, it didn't even start there! We were leaving this very evening, with dinner plans in downtown DesMoines where they serve food that is not just burgers and chicken. Then we were just going to hang out and have a no-plans evening, maybe heading to Barnes and Nobel. Mmmmm. Oh, and then after we got up and had our spa morning, we were going to SHOP! I was going to go to White House Black Market and buy something that made me feel appealing, attractive, and perhaps a bit sexy. I was on the prowl for new shoes and tall black boots. I had money saved, I had gift cards to burn... oooh, the pleasure!

But wait! There's more! AFTER the spa and the shopping, we were going to have MORE dinner at yet another restraunt that serves a wider variety than cheeseballs and chicken strips. We had plans to get our makeup applied by professionals who I am certain could make me look like a movie star. This, with my new outfit, would have me feel stunning and ready for the next part in our fun weekend... DANCING! Oh, my favorite part. I love to dance. love it love it love it. I often intend to drink too much when going out dancing, but it rarely happens because I do not spend enough time off the dance floor consuming alcohol. I would get a few woot-woos from random boys or men and that would make me smile while I dance with my girlfriends, laughing and throwing caution to the wind. Oh, what a grand vision. And we would wake up slowly on Sunday, giggling about the memories from the day before, eating bagels and drinking coffee and packing up our stuff strewn about the room, showing off our treasures from the shopping the day before... Then we'd shop a little more and head home. Tired but rejuvenated like any good vacation.

Notice that I have used past tense and wistful language. Because I am at home in bed, NOT going to DesMoines. Spa appointments canceled. No shopping, no dinners, no dancing. Sickness sucks. Fever is back, accompanied by other unpleasant gastrointestinal effects. TMI?

Now, I know that this is so minor in comparison to other troubles in the world. I'm not having to battle cancer. My children are healthy. I can afford to go on trip and still pay my mortgage. So, I know it is petty. But, allow me this one woe is me moment, and I promise I will move on quickly.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Red Red Wine

I had a good evening last night. I went golfing with my sister and the weather was perfect. Then we went to a local eatery and ordered my favorite salad to go, having a martini while we waited. Good thing my house is two blocks away from that place, cuz that thing was strong and I had only eaten a package of granola bites that whole day. Woo. Then we watched the movie, "17 Again" starring Zach Effron while eating our salads and drinking red wine. I highly recommend watching movies in this fashion. I'm quite certain that the wine made the movie much funnier, Zach Effron even more attractive (he doesn't really need much help there), and Emily and I much funnier as well.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Efficiency is the Name of the Game

I got a new computer and it kicks me off of the internet after about 10 minutes. I would like to chuck it through a window. I am busy at work, and thus explains my lack of blogging as of late. This will count as three blog entries in one...

1)I haven't golfed in about three weeks. I bought clubs this year, and it turns out that I enjoy golfing. I am terrible at it, but I like to give 'er a go and have a drink with friends. The lack of golfing is making me crabby when I look at my idle clubs in the garage.

2) I had an appointment for a massage and it got cancelled. I had made the appointment like a month ago. I made it because I am finally using a gift certificate that I got for Christmas a year ago. I was called about 5 hours before my appointment and asked if I could reschedule for one week later because someone had an emergency and couldn't move their neck. Um, is it just me or would that be better served by going to your local physician?? I didn't feel like arguing with the massage therapist, but I won't be going back to her ever again, I don't care how good the massage is. Bad business, people.

3) I went to a party with several beauty queens. Remember my friend, Mrs. Iowa? She's great, and there was a party in her honor as a "sendoff" to the Mrs. America pageant (you can check out all the contestants online. Just google "Mrs. America Pageant" and you can see my very pretty friend). If you'd ever like to feel a mixture of dowdy and relief, then I suggest you attend such a party. I'll just leave it at that. Good luck, Mrs. Iowa!!

There you go... three blogs in one - reader's digest condensed versions.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Top 5 Answers on the Board

Here's the question... How many hours would most people say that they lose in an evening on their computer?

Well, if they have a new computer, like me, that is loaded with new games like "The Family Fued" - at least two. Two hours gone.

I was exploring the programs on my new laptop and saw the games section where they had the aforementioned game, so I bit. Turns out, I got to play once for free and after that they would like for me to pay for the privilege. I think not. So, knowing this was a one-shot kind of thing, I made sure I took advantage. That game sucked me right in, trying to figure out other jobs that retired race car drivers could do, and what people who date for a while can do that would be weird on a first date. I won the bonus rounds every time I played. I am good at this, apparently. Fun!

Well, not ONLY did I get to answer zany questions and beat the "average player's score," but in this version of the FF, you get to use the points you earn in the game to "buy" home furnishings and decorate your token virtual two-story suburban home. This only fueled my wish to keep playing more games, to earn more points and get this home liveable for the nonexistant virtual people who might be moving in soon. They can't be without an oven, for Pete's sake!

You can now see how the geniuses at computer gaming land tried to snare me into buying this game on an ongoing basis. But, ho, I outsmarted them. I played their game and had an amusing time, AND I furnished that virtual house, albeit in modest fashion (let the virtual people pick out their own virtual wall art!). So there. What? What about the two hours of time that vanished into thin air? Uh... touche, gaming land creators.

Monday, August 10, 2009

New Horrid Photo

Wow, ok, so I keep excercising and liking Piliates. I also got a puppy (did I mention that?), and take him for little walks. My eating habits... well... there have been a lot of occasions. Like, lunch, for example. Lunch on a Monday has become an occasion. Mmm... banana bars.

Yes, well, we had a family reunion recently and it was a lot of fun. We rented a tandem bike, and if you have never had occasion to ride on one of those, I highly recommend it. I especially recommend riding on the back end because it is a trippy experience. But that is not the point of this posting. The point is that during the reunion many photos were taken, and one of them is of ME looking like a total schlump. Ick! It does not help that I crammed my arss into a kiddie power-wheels Jeep (Are you all singing, "Pow-pow-powerwheels, pow-pow-powerwheels.." and thinking back to your youth where you either owned one or wished you had?). The photo reminds me of the phrase from the movie "Tommy Boy"... "Fat guy in a little coat!"

I am printing that thing and posting it everywhere. I am considering working on learning the glycemic index eating habits. NOT a diet, mind you, but true regular eating habits where one's blood sugars remain stable.

It is not helping that I will be attending the "send off" party for my friend, Mrs. Iowa, as she travels off to the Mrs. America pageant. This party will be ripe with other pageant contestants and winners, and cameras. Oh, the humanity.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Domicile Discontent

I am soooooo hating my house lately. It is too darn small. I feel clausterphobic in there. It makes me want to get rid of about 1/2 of my stuff to make the house seem livable, but my spouse is not ok with that idea. So, I keep cramming stuff into closets and feeling like every room is overcrowded. Grrr.

This has gotten so bad, I have started looking at homes for sale in town. There is nothing that I am feeling like is "perfect." Besides, I love my neighborhood. So, I have asked my spouse to start looking into an addition into our house. Same location, bigger space. I don't know we can accomplish what I am wanting, but worth exploring. Now, if only I could find that mythical money tree or pot of gold.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is This Thing On?

Testing.. testing... check one, check one. Hello? I am severely lacking in the comment department here, people (except for Ladafam - thank you). You all know what a junkie I am with the comments. Then again, I really AM just typing to amuse myself, so...

Monday, July 20, 2009


I started something new today in my quest to be all fit and healthy and junk. I have heard about Pilates for years, ever since Maddonna rapped about it badly. I never took a class, even though others raved about it. I was hanging with the Turbo crowd then.

Well, my friend, Mrs. Iowa swears by not just any old Pilates, but the Pilates Reformer. This is a platform thing with pulleys and straps and things that make it look like a midevil torture device (well, that or something sold at a heavy duty porn/sex toy shop). Given her endorsement, I bit. I had my first session today, and Hey Mikey! I like it! Good thing, too, cuz I bought a 12-session package. Soon, I too will look like Mrs. Iowa. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Ride/Run II

Here's the post I meant to do a while ago about the ride/run. Remember how last year I was all jazzed up about completing the Ride/Run? Well, this year my sister asked me to do it with her, and I just did not have the motivation. What is that about? Have I fallen that far? Apparently so. Well, I pushed through that and agreed to do it. I then proceeded to NOT train until the week before, and then injured my knee and was almost out of the deal. I was almost hoping the knee would be too puffy, but Sahm would have killed me.

So, despite all of my foot-dragging, I did the Ride/Run, and once again finished the thing. I accomplished me goal of finishing and NOT walking. So, way to go, me; you big lazy blob.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blasted Perfection

I like sweets. No, that's an understatement. I looooove sweets. I adore them, crave them, want them, need them, hug them and squeeze them and call them George. Mmm, refined sugar and fat and corn syrup and things that end in -ose. Picture me with one of those sleepy-eyed wistful smiles.

Anyhoo, I am always tempted to consume sweets. Sometimes I am able to refrain, other times, not so much. Today is a not-so-much kind of day. I have been hearing about a new Blizzard treat at the DQ that had me intrigued. Have you heard about it? The Tagalong Blizzard! They have COMBINED the greatness of DQ ice cream with GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!! (Yes, I am shouting. Hello?! ICE CREAM AND GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!) Not just any girl scout cookie (cuz I think they did the Thin Mint thing a while ago), but my absolute favorite kind of girl scout cookie, the Tagalong, otherwise known as a Peanut Butter Patty. My brother tried one today and let me know that they are just pretty darn perfect. This called for a field trial.

I went. I ordered. I consumed. It was faaaaaaaaaaaaabulous. It was pretty darn perfect. Everything I love about Oreo blizzards and the peanut butter flavor I love. My brother said it best when he noted that it is everything I have always wanted the Reece's Peanut Butter Blizzard to be.

Go forth. Order. Consume. Smile the dreamy-eyed smile with me. And then join me in cursing DQ for adding one more blasted thing to my list of things I love and should not eat.

Extended Absence

Whoo, I think I need to bring a broom to clean out the cobwebs on this site! I have been super busy and not blogging (thank you, Captain Obvious).

I have many topics on which to blog, and am not sure how to sort them all out or where to start. Today, I will start with a list so that I don't forget later.

We'll call this the "coming soon to this blog near you" section:

Insta-boobs and Chicken Cutlets
*Kids say the darndest...
Ride/Run 2
Poor Kid, er Woman
Jammin with the Band
Laser Vision
Domicile Discontent
Golf Pro

You can all vote on the most intriguing topic and I'll write that one first.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mrs. Iowa!

Remember a long time ago when I told you all that my friend was going to the Mrs. Iowa pageant? Well, she WON!! Wow! I am so proud of her!

I gripe about my weight issues, and she is TINY via a lot of hard work. She does Pilates reformer a couple of times per week, then cardio and abs in addition, and she follows this crazy-hard diet. She told me about the pageant week and all of the stuff she did, and it is very safe to say that I will NEVER be a beauty queen.

It's long been known that beauty queens put vaseline on their teeth. This has long confused me, because I don't have trouble with my lips sticking to my teeth. However, I figured it was due to nerves (darn parasympathetic nervous system), but no! There's more! Those ladies do some crazy stuff to whittle their figures down to ultimate carved shapes. One of these things includes fluid flushing, which leaves them pretty dehydrated which leaves them non-sweaty (good in a pageant) but also with even less saliva and uber-sticky lips on teeth (not so good), hence the vaseline. Apparently in addition to Preparation H to reduce under-eye swelling, one can use Vagisil powder in makeup to reduce shine or something. Oh, and then there is an Epsom salts bath which apparently would solve an issue if one were constipated OR just trying to get rid of all superfluous bloat that digested food can cause.

And after all of that, can you imagine being under that kind of microscope? I don't even like to look at myself in the mirror in my swim suit, let alone let others JUDGE me and give me a SCORE on how I look in the thing. Even tinier, is my hair big enough, too big, shiny enough, too shiny, makeup too much, too little, dress perfectly tailored? Oof.

My friend went through all of that, and WON. Wow.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kiddie Fun

Last night I had a blast jumping on my sister's trampoline. Seriously, I was out there for about 2 hours and haven't laughed that much in a long time. Whoever thought of trampolines is a genius - especially enclosed trampolines that you can't go sailing off, head first to the ground.

Friday, May 29, 2009

That Really Chaps My Ass

No.. really. I went to Spinning class this morning, and aside from being a sweaty-good workout, the hardest part was figuring out how to get comfortable on that bike seat without risk of some sort of injury that might prohibit proper toileting practices, marrital relations (better excuse than headache, though - "Not tonight, I went to Spinning this morning."), or complying with any request to stick-it-where-the-sun-don't-shine (not that I comply with that one anyway). I might invest in real biker shorts - the ones with padding.

But then I did have something that rubbed me the wrong way in more of a "pissed off" sense. My darned spouse came home last night at 11:30 from golfing and decided that there were many topics we needed to discuss and then got huffy when I started dozing off around 12:30. Um, I am going to exercise in 5 hours!! Sheesh. Then I was huffy with him this morning while struggling to haul my soon-to-be-chapped ass out of bed. Good thing I went to Spinning class and took out my frustrations on the bike.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Crazy Lady

My sister, Sahm, has turned into a crazy person! This past weekend we were together with my other sister and preparing to work out. Ok, first off, the guys were going golfing, so then in turn we get to pick some sort of get-out-of-the-house-without-kids activity. We choose exercise. Not lunch or shopping or spa treatments or even golfing ourselves, but exercise. Ok.

As if this is not crazy enough, Sahm pipes up in our planning meeting with, "I'd really like to work out for two hours..." What?!! What did you just say?!! You'd LIKE to work out for TWO HOURS consecutively? Like that is a big hope or wish where you grit your teeth together with hands clasped near your heart and give the other person puppy dog eyes? But wait, there is MORE craziness... she then talked about doing cardio stuff followed by 20 minutes of ab work (at which point I literally said, "Who are you?!! I can't believe those words just came out of your mouth!") and some other toning or some such nonsense.

On which alternative planet did I just land? When did my family become fitness buffs? When did working out for two hours become our entertainment? I guess I should be happy, but mostly I am just confused. I'll just have to accept my new role as the one tagging along and dropping back in the pack, muttering under her breath the whole time or complaining loudly in response to each new level of craziness that ensues. Sheesh.

Kettlebells and Spinning

Look out! I'm going to try some new exercises in an attempt to break out of my rut/funk. I went to Kettlebell class this morning, and it was pretty good. I will go back. I liked the instructor a lot, and besides that my workout buddy was there (so faithful, Lisa). My workout buddy has also tried Spinning and encouraged me to try it, like a good workout buddy should. So, I signed up and will go on Friday.

If only I would stick with something instead of starting new things all the time and feeling like I "start over" with the feelings of incompetence and such. If only...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

As Seen On TV

I like those infomercials that are shorter and to-the-point. You know, like the old OxyClean ones and the ShamWow ones. I want a ShamWow. Why? I don't know, cuz that commercial is so convincing that it is the best darn shamois (did I spell that correctly?) on the planet, I think I should have one.

Well, WalMart has a whole row of stuff you find on those commercials. They have the little puff-pancake pan thingy that my kids want me to get ("But Mom, you can fill them with pudding!!"), the pedi-egg, and that thing that buffs away your leg hair and moustache. They also have the Strap Perfect, and I bought one. Sucker = me.

What is the Strap Perfect? (Seriously? You don't know?) It is a thing that you hook on to your bra straps to get them to be hidden under various configurations of tops where your bra straps normally hang out for the world to see. AND, the commercial says it makes your boobs look bigger. Since you all know that I have wanted to buy some bigger boobs, you can see the appeal. I have used it once, and it was pretty good. My straps were certainly hidden, but I don't know about that second claim... Tune in next week when I buy the Magic Bullet and start making a bunch of fruit smoothies every day.

Monday, May 18, 2009

First Out the Gate

I bought a swimming suit!!! Can you believe it? I was NOT going to try them on this past weekend when I went shopping. However, while wandering through the first store I was in, there were some suits on the racks and I decided to try one on. And, much to my surprise, I did not hate how I looked it in. So I bought it. Then tried it on later for my mom, and she confirmed that it was a good suit, distracting from the not-so-great and emphasizing the pretty-good. I can't believe I bought the first one I tried on. It's a summer miracle!

Good Intentions and Some Road

I meant to go to the gym this morning, but life, once again, interfered. Where the heck does that road go that is paved with good intentions? H-e-double where?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nose Tampons

I have a sinus problem. The problem is that my sinuses are full of crud and this condition will not seem to resolve itself. ERRG!! It's so gross! My throat hurts all of the time. I am coughing a ton, my ears are popping, and my nose is runny. I would like to invent some nose tampons that you could just put in your nose for about 5 minutes, and then remove them with clean sinuses and no more sniffles. Obviously not something to be worn or used in public, but it's got to be better than sanding my nose off with tissues.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just... eh.

I went to the gym this morning (good job, me. why, thank you.) I hopped on the bike and pedaled for about 35 minutes while reading a magazine on fitness for inspiration. Then I went and did some weight training for another 15 to 20 min. And how did I feel afterwards? Just.. eh.

I'm thinking about doing the pilates "reformer" training sessions. I just seem to need someone there to push me. Also, kettlebell class starts next Wednesday morning and I intend to go. I think group fitness is better for me cuz I work out harder. The pool at the Y is also supposed to be done soon. Maybe I could swim. I used to love to do that (see posting on crazy thoughts - I think I'll be able to just jump in and swim across the whole pool under water), and it is supposed to be great exercise.

I just wish I could find an exercise that I really like to do, and would feel sort of incomplete when I skip workouts. As of now I have a few I don't mind, and when I skip I only feel hungry. Actually, that last part happens whether I work out or not. Anyway, I'm waiting for "Yay!" and not "just..eh."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Crazy Thoughts

In my youth, I was a very active little thing. I took gymnastics for about six years, and rode my bike all over tarnation. I was also fond of the bars at recess - I think they were made to do some pullups, but we used them to hang upside down and spin around and such. I was a swimming fool, doing treading-water contests and playing Marco Polo and Shark. I was FIT.

The thing is, these days, not so fit. More fat than fit, and fffft. BUT, on occasion, my body thinks it should be able to do those same things that I did in my glorious little history. Like, I think I should just be able to do a series of back walkovers across my lawn.

Occasionally, I will try these things, and my body knows what to do, but my logical brain screams at me: "HEY!! YOU DON'T BEND LIKE THAT ANYMORE!!" It is sad to say that cartwheels hurt me, though I can still do one. I can also still stand on my head. I'm too chicken to try a walkover of any sort. I can still do a backflip off the diving board, but I believe that most people would kick my hind end in a treading-water contest and I would be the "shark" until the other kids got sick of playing. I can ride my bike, but not up huge hills. And I CAN flip over backwards on some hanging rings off the swingset. I cannot flip back the other direction, and I will not try to get on those bars and swing myself around for fear of internal injury.

So, even though I know, intellectually, my limitations, I imagine I will continue to be plagued by crazy thoughts of dashing across the lawn in a spectacular round-off back-handspring. Where's my Haldol?


I am in a funk. It's official. Blah. Let's all hope it passes quickly.

I have been M.I.A from the gym because I can't get enough sleep. I have a chronic sinus problem that is really bogging me down, though I got some meds today. I start out with healthy food choices each day, only to mess it up somehow. I got my picture taken with a group today, a side shot, and have discovered that my ass is astronomically big. Drat.

So, on the roller coaster of my healthy living thing, I'm definitely on the down side of things. I'm crabby and whiney. It's not a pretty picture. I promise not to stay here long. But, thought I'd let you know what's up, cuz it kinda explains my lack of blogging lately.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

NOT a Cookie

Scones are not cookies, right? That's what I am telling myself. It had whole blueberries in it, so that is healthy, right? What was that goal? Something about cutting out unnecessary sweets? I think this one is totally necessary. It's breakfast! The most important meal of the day. And it was homemade - no high fructose corn syrup in sight. Good, we all agree this was a healthy way to start my day.

Boo-hiss, Hooray!!

Well, I didn't get out of bed AGAIN this morning. That's one day out of four. I am a slug. But, I also was up until midnight, which is dumb when I am thinking I'll get up in five hours. Five hours of sleep is simply not enough for me. So, crap.

However, I have worked out three out of three days early this week and then today I'll see what I can do for some sort of home workout. Perhaps I'll pop in Elle MacPherson's "Personal Best" which has some toning stuff in it. I want to buy the Dancing With the Stars workout video and see if that is worthwhile. Can you rent those anywhere? You know, try before you buy??

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spell Check

By the way, did any of you catch my agregious grammar error in the bathroom posting? Good grief. Spell check doesn't catch those things, and I was tired when typing. Don't type when sleepy. It leads to errors.

Ha ha! Now you are all going to comb through that post to see if you can find the error (unless you were really observant and caught it the first time through). Hint: it's in the second paragraph

Hair vs Ass; Round 2

Today I got my hair colored and cut and styled. I love getting my hair done. It is very pampering and relaxing and all of those good things. Though, today some complete stranger walked in to the salon as I was in the middle of getting my hair colored (tinfoil strips all hangin in there and gunk up next to my scalp to cover the gray babies) and walked over to me and said, "Love your hairdo." She then snickered and dropped off whatever she was dropping off and left. I know she was trying to be clever, but... uh, ok, whatever lady.

Anyway, I got all beautified and went back to work where many people oohed and aahed over my fun flippy curls and glamorous lowlights. Yay! They like me! They really like me! Or, at least my hair. AND, as I was finishing at the salon, my fantastic cosmetologist said, "You know, you could probably get two days out of this style." Ooh, I could look pretty two days in a row?! How great! Oh... wait....EXERCISE.

I could get two days out of the style if I went home and slept and got up and did some touch-ups and voila. However, if I am going to continue on the exercise roll I have going, then I would have to go to Zumba after work today (cuz I overslept again), AND work out tomorrow morning and I would definitely then have to wash my hair and wreck her fine handiwork. Oooh, so you can see my delema. I paid good money for my moment of pretty hair, and my exercise will ruin it. What to do?!!

I went to Zumba. Hooray for my ass!

Monday, April 27, 2009

MORE Bathroom Humor

Just when you thought I was out of bathroom humor.... nope!! Another fun bathroom incident to share willingly with the public. I have no shame or humility or pride or whatever it is that keeps normal people from telling the world about their funny bathroom escapades.

Yesterday I took my two girls to Mason City to go shopping. We had a very nice time, until the younger one started getting sick and we had to go home. Even then, we had a nice time cuz really we had accomplished pretty much all of what I had hoped to do, so no biggie that we were leaving. We got about 15 miles down the road when the sick child decides she needs to go to the bathroom, pronto. Luckily there was a Casey's just about two blocks away, and I ducked in their quickly as she is whining and doing the pee-pee dance with her feverishly flushed cheeks and droopy eyelids looking pathetically at me. I dash with her back to the bathrooms, and the women's door is... locked. Damn!

I am not ok with her having an accident, so I checked the men's room door while the child was protesting, "But Mom, that's the boy's room!!" The door was unlocked, so I told her that a bathroom is a bathroom and proceded to open the door, and SAW A MAN STANDING THERE PEEING! A side shot of the full monte. Fantastic. I suppressed a yelp, and quickly closed the door, and then took the child for a lap around the store, praying that the dude did not come out of that bathroom, all the while cursing him in my head for not locking the door. There is only one toilet in there! Lock the darn door!! Luckily, the girl's room opened up and the child was able to go to the bathroom and then we high tailed it out of there with me trying really hard not to look at any of the guys in the store.

Sheesh. So, men out there... LOCK THE DOOR!!! Some desperate mother might just bust in on you if you don't.

Second Chances

I went to Zumba, as promised, and enjoyed it. It was still a little bit skittish, but better structured than the last time. Plus, there are sort of "free for all" stretches, where many people sort of plant their feet and bop around to the music. I used that opportunity to run in place or jump or do some really deep squats - feel the burn, and all of that cliche junk. But, I got a good workout. I would do it again.

As far as sweets, well, I foiled that one right off the bat because we have cookies from the cookie place in Mason City, so I ate a monster cookie for breakfast along with my banana. hey! There is oatmeal in that thing, plus I rationalized that a cookie has about the same calories as a meal, so... it's ok? I ate a sandwich and 100-calorie package of Lorna Doone's (cookies!) for lunch, but that's a reasonable amount, right? It's ok? And THEN my darn brother-in-law bought chocolates from some random soliciting person supporting some random club or cause or FFA thing, AND ran around at our mutual worksite offering them up to me (and it's rude to refuse). So, count in today's consumption: one chocolate teddy bear with peanut butter guts, and two chocolate apples with carmel filling. These were roughly the size of a Hershey's minature chocolate. I had a couple of baby carrots, a low-carb wrap with turkey, ham and roast beef with provoloe, and a dish of fresh pineapple for dinner. And I had no more food this evening.

So much for "no more sweets" but I will try again tomorrow. Or I will eat an oatmeal raisin cookie for breakfast and rationalize that it has oatmeal AND fruit, so is obviously a healthy choice. I am hopeless!!

Reasonable Reasons

Well, I missed my morning workout AGAIN, darn it! I have another good excuse (like last week when I did not set my alarm on Friday, and turned it off instead of snooze last Wednesday). My six-year-old child came down with some sort of flu yesterday and was awake EVERY HOUR of the night, and therefor so was I. I also am catching a cold and my head is about 3/4 full of goo. I'm not letting that last one stop me though, cuz I brought my workout clothing to go to Zumba after work. I'm giving that class another try.

Lisa, be ready for interval training tomorrow morning! I WILL (must!) get back on track with this workout schedule. Also, this week I am banning daily sweets. Bring on the fruits and veggies. I have three weeks until I go shopping for some Spring/Summer clothing, and I really want to lose five pounds. I know that sounds trivial, but it makes a difference in the size I wear!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wierdo Art Commercial

Have you all seen the commercials about financial planning or something like that? They are the ones where the people in the commercial who are talking about financial planning are all cartoonized in weirdo art form. They creep me out. I never want to see myself drawin like that.

Oh, and I also DESPISE the new Burger King commercials with the square butts thing and Sir Mixalot. Wow, Sir Mix.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I did end up getting a little bit of exercise yesterday... on my sister's trampoline! It was fun, and I am taking a friend with me today over our noon hour to jump on the tramp.

Really, I only posted this so I could use the title "Tramp" and make you all think I was going to write something dishy and salacious. ha ha ha ha ha!!

Golf Season Opens

I golfed yesterday; my first outing of the season. I am so grateful to be golfing with women who have similar golfing styles - hit the ball, then hit another one if that one didn't go far enough, or just pick it up and chuck it out on the green if it is in the rough. I have yet to figure out why there are so many darn clubs, and I only use one of them with any sort of proficiency (my pitching wedge).

I need lessons. In theory, if I could golf with any sort of skill, I could golf with my spouse. And we could golf with other couples and it would be a fun thing we could do from now until we can't swing clubs any more. In theory...

Also, I golfed my usual 5 holes and had a cocktail, then went to the clubhouse for dinner, where I ate too much grease. Next week, I will tackle a change in eating habits.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Note From My Mom

"Please excuse Mia for missing her workout this morning. She had a big test last night and was dazed and confused enough to hit the "off" button on her alarm instead of "snooze." I believe she has learned her lesson and feels sufficiently terrible about missing class today, and will do makeup workouts somewhere along the line this week."

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Broke My Legs

Not really.. don't be alarmed. But last night I asked my brother to offer up a lower-body workout routine and today I took my little notes to the gym where Lisa and I suffered through it. You should have seen us after our workout, going down the stairs!! We were both glad for handrails and laughing out loud at ourselves all the painful way down. I was not sure my legs were going to hold me up! We'll see how they are tomorrow.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dog or No?

I think that I mentioned that my dog passed away this past October. I loved her dearly, and I miss her a lot. I especially miss her when I go for a jog, cuz she loved to go and I feel badly that for much of her life I was a lazy slob and did not take her for many walks.

I was going to get a new dog for Christmas, and even drove halfway to the shelter to pick up said puppy, but then turned around cuz I was crying too much. Not ready. My kids very much want a new dog, and talk about it every now and then. I am still not sure I am ready. And part of this is because I know how much work a puppy is, and then all of the work that goes into dog ownership in terms of going out of town and all of that. This, especially given that my older child is going to be in softball and we'll be out and at games. Sigh. What to do???

How Mia Got Her Groove Back

I did it AGAIN! I got up and was at the gym at 5:30 a.m. Can you believe that? I sure can't. And I intend to continue this behavior until it becomes a habit. Also, thank goodness Lisa is there. It's motivating to go when you know that someone else will notice when you skip. Lisa, I don't know how you did it all on your own with no workout buddy/hall monitor. Hats off to you, my friend.

All of this comes not a moment too soon, I tell you. I weighed in at 151 again this morning. Geez Louise! My pants are all pinchy and my gut is such that it is wanting to push my pants down UNDER its girth, like some dude with a beer gut. You've seen those guys, with the huge belly and a normal sounding pants size because their pants never attempt to contain their stomachs. Well, my pants are attempting and losing the battle. I fight the war with belts or just routine hiking up of my britches, but I seem to be losing. So, I shall take up the sword of exercise and try to slay my foe, "Guttastrica" such that it will once again fit tamely within the bounds of my waistline. Wow, I went all dork-rific there with some renaissance festival kind of talk. Where'd that come from? Whatever. Anyway, it's me against the wub (short for waistline flub), and I intend to win.

Friday, April 17, 2009

As Meatloaf Says

Well, I went to the gym at 5:30 on Wed and Thurs and I set my alarm this morning, but did not go. Two outta three ain't bad, right? I did workout on Monday, so that's three workouts, and they day is not over yet. I could still get in a walk or jog, and I am going to commit to doing that. I am going to work out tomorrow, as well. Woo hoo!! Next week I am going to continue the early bird work. It's just craziness, but I feel good for the day and then there is no stress about WHEN to workout. Now, if I can get my hog out habits in check...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Snooty McSnoberson

Apparently, early mornings make me poetic. But, hey, I did it!! I got up and went to the gym at 5:30! This was quite a feat, because the cosmos was trying to align against me. I was going to go to bed early, but that was foiled by bills and needing to get my kid's birthday party invitations written and ready to send today. Then this kid got up three times in the middle of the night when she NEVER wakes up. What the?! Whatever, cosmos!!! I got up anyway, and am glad I did it. I may do it again tomorrow. The craziness continues!!

I went to a cardio class that was sort of intervals of cardio and toning. I got a good workout and was very sweaty, so that's good. The upper body part was punching, and since I have been doing Tae Bo and Turbokick, I feel like I know my stuff when it comes to punching form. Well, my snootyness reared its ugly head again when the instructor was leading upper cut punches and cueing it with "Scoop that on up!" Ahhhh!!!!! She was flopping her arm way back and then scooping her arm way up by her nose! My inner punching-form-nazi had a hard time not exclaiming out loud. So, I just punched the way I know to punch and kept on going. Also, they do punches in succession (like a jab, cross, hook, upper kind of combo) and I was having a hard time because I am so Turbo-trained that I can't stop rotating at the hip and turning on the ball of my foot, so my form looks WAY different than what everyone else is doing. I plan to keep going to class, so I'll just be a back row hider. I must be the most obnoxious class participant ever. Geez, lady, get over yourself already!

Ode to 5:30

Oh, 5:30 in the a.m.
Dark sleepy hour
and I am up with the moon and the birds.
What an odd combination: me, the moon, and the chirping.
And then there is the whirring of the bike chains,
the thudding of the feet on the treadmills,
And the lady who tells my sleepy feet to jump.

Ok, Lady. I'm up, I'm down, I'm up, I'm sweaty.
Me, the moon, the birds, the feet, the bike and this lady.
All at 5:30 a.m.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ok, Lisa...

You may all recall that I had thought that I would get up really early and work out. I have never done it (cuz I am a night owl!), but my friend, Lisa, is a regular early bird. My brother is getting used to getting up early to train people who work outside of their homes, and so it seems that a portion of fit and healthy people in the workforce are making time for this early in the morning. Sigh. Well, since I am doing HORRIBLY on my goals for a fit figure and summer is creeping towards me, I am going to meet Lisa on Wednesday morning and work out. Lisa swears I will feel better during the day if I do this. Uh huh. We'll see.

I did Turbokick today, and had a really good time. I miss Turbo, but not enough to do it at home. What?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Walk it Off

Man, am I grumpy!! I don't know what my deal is, either. I don't have anything to really be that grumpy about. My husband's birthday was yesterday and I got him a tee shirt and a dumb card. HE's the one who should be grumpy! Nope, it's me.

My younger child has a birthday on Saturday and I am not prepared. Perhaps this could be contributing to my foul mood. I don't know. Also, we are going to my inlaws' house this weekend. I am not packed, I have not thought about what to pack, and I don't want to pack. I am fat-tastic and have no clothing that I like, except for about two shirts and one pair of jeans. Grrr.

I had all of this festering in my frown this evening, and we have cupcakes leftover from my daughter's school "birthday treats." I ate one, of course. Then I had pizza for dinner. I was then ready to unleash a can of swears at myself. But, instead, I went for a two-mile walk. So there.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Zumba Snob

I took the new class last night and I had a really good time. I was thoroughly sweaty, so that is a good sign that I either got my heart rate up sufficiently or else the room was really hot due to the huge crowd of people. Anyway, it was latin dance moves! That's fun, right? Well, it would be, except that I am a Zumba Snob. The instructor is not that musical, as it turns out, and things that I hear in terms of 8-counts and natural progressions do not make that much sense to her. This drives me bonkers. Changing leads in the midst of a count, and having things be uneven on right and left sides, and then not following a regular pattern.... aiy carumba. Aren't I terrible and picky? I mean, I had fun and sweated a lot, so that should be good enough. Nope. Give me a rhythm and some coreography I can follow. And the real bummer is that I think I could LOVE that class if it were more like I think it SHOULD be (judgemental much?). Shoot.

Monday, April 6, 2009

An Ass Kicking

My brother has moved much closer to us, and I am so happy! As you all know, all three of my siblings are fitness instructors. Sigh. So, for at least two of them, I have now been the guinea pig for them to practice their craft. My brother is the latest to choose me out of the pool of guinea pigs and so I got to enjoy a training session yesterday.

Well, "enjoy" to some degree... The workout was good and my brother did a great job of giving me constructive feedback and lots of encouragement that made me feel good about myself and my workout, even though I know I am a total wuss and crazily out of shape; he made me feel like I had strength and was not too bad. Yet today my rear end is not enjoying a discomfort-free day. There are several other muscle groups that are a bit achey, but none complaining as loudly as my butt.

Tonight, I am going to try a new class at the Y - Zumba. Supposed to be latin dance and strength. We'll see which body parts are crying tomorrow...

Look at me go! Let's see how long this lasts.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Most Important Meal of the Day

I do not eat breakfast. I know that I should. It is said to be the most important meal of the day, and while on vacation my brother and sister gave me a good lecture about starting your metabolism and stuff like that. So, I'm thinking I should give breakfast a try. I'd like to start my day with a homemade egg McMuffin. We'll see if I can pull that plan together. If not, there are always Fiber One bars.

Vacation Calories Don't Count

I'm on vacation!! I've been in Colorado since Saturday, visiting my brother. We have had a great time, and walked all over the darn place. We also went jogging one morning and my sweet baby brother had me do hill sprints. My legs were SORE yesterday! So, I should be burning all sorts of fat this long weekend, right? Ooh, except for all of the calories consumed with fantastic foods, desserts, and alcohol. But, I'm on vacation, so none of those calories count. Or, at least, that's how it should be. I'm headed home today. Is it just me, or is it universal to always wish for one more day of vacation?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I have had people be surprised that I wear a size 10, sometimes a 12 (I try to stay away from those brands) depending on the item. Recent guesses have been in the size 6 or 8 range (like my friend who I swore was smoking crack when she said that). Ooh, I wish.

Here's the facts of the matter, I am good at camouflage clothing. I have my mother to thank for this: teaching me the art of playing up your good features and finding stuff that disguises the not-so-ideal parts. These are the same principals found on "What Not to Wear," only I am ok with synthetic fabrics that they hate (sorry Stacy and Clinton, I can't afford cashmere). These rules are simple, but the clothing varies from body to body. I have a wai'st, but have big 'ole thighs and squishy knees. So, I stay away from those blousy tops that get tighter at the hips, drawing eyes down to legs. With my clothes, I am shooting for waist skimmers: "look HERE, not there" kinds of things. Sahm has fantastic legs and struggles with a poochy belly, so those blousy tops make her look like a supermodel. It's a shame we don't share clothing well, though.

Sexy Skirt Day

I have this skirt that I really like but do not wear that often. It is a pencil skirt that is perfectly fitted and even flares a bit at the back hem with some pleats fanned out there. It gives me a great hourglass figure as long as I am standing up. Why the posture restriction? Well, because if I sit down I get the "three speedbumps" effect from my boobs, roll in between my boobs and waistline and then the one from my gut. If I sit up really straight, it kind of reduces the effect, but still... not so "hourglass" then.

Anyway, I wore the skirt today and have had several compliments. So, a quick fix for feeling gut-tastic: wear a sexy skirt that makes your butt look badonkalicious. I may have to wear this every day.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Speaking of Guts

I am back up the scale again, I fear. In fact, I fear it so much that I am not stepping on the scale. Eating habits ... bad. Exercise... none. Bleah.

I went to a waterpark over the weekend and wore my bathing suit. I have a tankini and do NOT enjoy my gut peeking out of that thing. So, you would think that would motivate me, right? I was going to eat healthy today and work out. Not so much... My workout plans were foiled by the science fair, and eating plans foiled by nothing other than the fact that I love food and it is everywhere. Sigh...

I am hoping to do the Ride/Run again this year and this will motivate me to get running again when the weather gets warmer.

In the meantime, I am going to Colorado this coming weekend and there is shopping to be done (yay for outlet malls!). We'll see if I buy anything for myself. Usually when I feel chubby, I buy things for my kids and spouse and make myself wear the same old junk that fits. Just call me Debbie Defeatist.

Who Are YOU?

Today, my blog thingy on my dashboard says I have five followers. Well, you all know how it sets my heart a-flutter when folks comment on postings and how thrilled and humbled I am to have followers, so you can imagine that I was curious to see who this new follower might be. I clicked on the icon to see who all you followers might be, and.... nothin. It won't tell me who you are. This is driving me slightly nuts. What's up, blogger.com? As if my gut is not enough tourture...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Voluntary Humiliation

We are having an "employee wellness" thingy at work where you get free blood test and body composition. I did mine this morning and am embarassed to say I am at 26% body fat. Yeesh. My BMI was in the normal range by the skin of its love handles, but that at least was the good news. My blood work looks good except for the BUN/Creatinine level was a little high and that has something to do with my kideys. I'll be asking more about that or looking it up on the web. I should know what that means, cuz I studied that stuff last semester, but I forgot. I'm doing well to know it has something to do with kidneys. And, for my troubles, I got a drawstring bag with our hospital logo on it. Sweet.

UPDATE: I got a read on my labs by a real and actual physician who said that the creatinine thing is related to my liver and is MEGA HEALTHY. Also, my cholesterol is fantastic. So, I can eat fried cheese and drink more booze, apparently. Woo hoo!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Got My Irish Up

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you that I ripped a couple of guys a new asshole at the bar last night. I was standing in between the bar and a table, talking to people at the table (back to the bar) when I hear some sort of snickering and muttering and feel SOMETHING TRACE ITS WAY FROM MY INNER THIGH UP ONTO MY ASS!! My hand went into a fist and I whirled around to see two sleezeballs at the bar looking right at me.

The Irish in me wanted to punch them and wanted to do so BADLY. But the local psychologist in me decided that would not be such a good image to leave at the bar, as I might likely get escorted out of the establishment. Instead, I ripped into them with the following (or something very closely related but possibly with more f-bombs if you can believe that):

Which one of you motherfuckers just touched my ass?! (they both denied, one said something about someone else telling him to do it) That's fucking bullshit! I am a married woman, and you are lucky my spouse is not here. If you even think about touching me again I will fucking cold cock you in a second. I'm serious, if you even brush my arm I will punch you in your fucking face.

It pisses me off all over again when I type it. I will fantasize that I punched them - a swift hook to the jaw. Motherfuckers.

Drinking Delusions

I obtained the perfect level of intoxication last night. It was fantastic. I rarely drink, mostly because it is not that practical and I don't love the taste of any alcoholic beverage any more than I love just plain diet coke. But every once in a while, I enjoy gettin my booze on. And let's just be clear here, I am a booze drinker, not a beer drinker. It has to be pretty hot out and I have to be pretty bored or desperate to drink beer.

Anyway, so last night they had the annual "nut fry" (no almonds or cashews were fried - the other kind of nuts) in a neighboring town, so I went with a group of people, exclusively for the entertainment value. I did not consume any fried nuts. We had chartered the party bus (It's like a shuttle bus: airport-to-hotel sized.) so I had a Schmirnoff drink on the way to the nut fry. I had a couple of drinks and we moved on to the next bar (another Schmirnoff on the way there), where I had a half of a beer (desperate and trying to be social - green beer). Next bar, and I had some sips of my sister's cranberry & vodka and then half of some kind of green shot that tasted like melted chip mint ice cream (cream de menthe, peppermint schnapps and baileys, perhaps?). Reasonable amounts (five or six drinks) spread over seven hours. This adds up to the perfect drunk = buzzy but no hangover the next day.

I partied with Sahm, which was a blast. When I have obtained the perfect drunk, I get delusional. I am the hottest girl in the joint, who is suddenly super thin and can eat fried cheese at any hour (say, 2 a.m., for example) with the best singing voice and I am the most hilarious as well. I find people who I swear are going to be someone important in my life, like my brother's future wife or my spouse's new business partner or my new best friend. Oh, and I am also the best dancer, unless Sahm is with me and then I am the second best dancer. Apparently, I am a fun but narcissistic drunk. You all want to party with me now, right? Well, get in line right behind me, myself and I. ha ha!!

Too bad alcohol is "empty calories"....

School Fundraisers

Ick. I really dislike school fundraisers. I know they are needed, and such, but I just don't like running around begging for money and asking people to buy stuff they don't need and don't really want.

I will say that some fundraisers are better than others. I do not object so strongly to fundraisers involving food. I mean, I am going to eat anyway, so.. Bake sales are nice, as well as soup suppers (I don't have to cook? awesome) and pancake breakfasts. I will buy a candy bar for a dollar, no problem, as well as a can of cashews or a box of oranges.

I will also buy items of normal use - wrapping paper, bath/shower gels, candles, discount coupons to stores I frequent locally, and clothing items (tee shirts, sweatshirts, underwear, whatever) emblazoned with a local team logo.

I will be happy to give straight cash. In fact, could we save ourselves a boat-load of trouble by just donating cash to the school at the beginning of the year? We could just ask our usual relatives and colleagues at work to pitch in what they would normally spend in junk they don't want, and... money for the school and no junk in our homes.

My least favorites would be magazine sales and calendars. I already have enough magazines! I have bought subscriptions as gifts, but even then I'd rather buy a friend something else (like candles or wrapping paper, bath/shower gels, discount coupons or local team clothing items). Bleah, magazine sales. So, my sincerest apologies for those of you in my circle who will be hit up by requests for magazine sales by my 11-year-old. Oh, and calendars: I want to buy a pretty calendar for my kitchen or office, NOT your photocopied flimsy thing with all of the dates of the track meets and Quiz Bowl team competitions eating up the spaces. fugedaboudit.

School fundraisers are one of those things that I doubt very highly I will miss when my children are grown.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's Only Ten Days

My sister (not Sahm, the other one) and I were commisserating about bottomless-pit-itis today and she had a suggestion that perhaps if one were to completely script their day with regard to foodstuffs, the tendency to eat too much would be reduced. This is the "structured diet" approach, where each morsel consumed is preplanned, thus taking the random nibbling and scrounging out of the equation.

Ok, total aside, but I am amused as hell that I managed to work the word "foodstuffs" into my posting today. Ha ha! How have a written a diet blog for over a year and just now come up with that one? Plus, I used "morsel." Whoo, good stuff.

Ok, so what do we think about structured diets? Anyone? Thoughts, opinions, reactions, emotions? My immediate reaction was, "Ewww. No way. It's not realistic, and it's so rigid, and I don't wanna, and what the hell makes anyone think I would stick to the plan, and, and, and..." And if I had that much of a reaction, I am thinking this is probably something I should try and is probably exactly the approach that would work for me.

Honestly now, I have a very good friend who approaches food in this way. She eats cereal or toast w/pb for breakfast, always a salad at lunch and a snack of fruit, and then dinner with nothing fried or processed or any crap. She allows herself rare treats on special occasions as I had proposed in my lecture to myself earlier this week, and she stays thin and healthy and feels good. I always thought that would be a boring way to live. Maybe not. Maybe excitement doesn't come from food (gasp!). This sounds an awful lot like one of those lifestyle change thingies that the medical profession is always touting. And that is where my reaction is bourne, I believe. I'm ready to get rid of this unhealthy weight, but not so ready for the lifestyle that supports it, or at least am not enthusiastic about that being my lifestyle. Ball of Confusion... and the band played on...

Sister Dear pulled out a structured eating plan that came with a workout video. They always send those "sample eating plans" with workout videos! They try to just sell you on working out and then hit you with, "If you really want results then try this eating plan of fish and hummus and brussel sprouts!" Anyway, the sample plan she read didn't sound horrible and is a 10-day plan. The materials said, "It's only 10 days..." So now I am considering it, but have to find 10 days where I could actually do it. I'm off on a vacation next weekend and the one after that (because I rock!) and I don't want to overhaul my lifestyle on vacation. What fun is that? But fun doesn't come from food?? So, I'll let you know if and when I start this nonsense, er, I mean good idea. (Can someone hand me that 5/8ths wrench? I need an attitude adjustment, it seems.) If it works I could rip off an A-team line and head my post "I Love It When a Plan Comes Together." Stay tuned. And tell me what you think of this idea!

Mother Nature and Father Time

I think that Mother Nature and Father Time have conspired against me. It's that time-o-month again, so I am a feeling gut-tastic AND hungry nonstop. So much fun. My two TK workouts this week are not even going to come CLOSE to cancelling out the food I ate just today. Whatever.

By now, aren't you all thinking, "Here we go again. Same story different month. You get PMS-ey, eat a bunch, bitch about it and how bloated you feel..blah blah blah."?? I would if I were you. And yet - here we are again. I am a human garbage disposal, eating my children's picked over foods and craving fast food breakfast. And I got my monthly bill (hooray for me not being pregnant!! no offense to those that are, but...), so all of the hunger and carb cravings and bloat are explainable. But are they excusable? Is there some way to combat or change this stupid roller coaster that is my hormonal hunger?

Here's where I would like to lodge a complaint. I believe that I have mentioned that my Aunt Flo used to be pretty predictable, steady, manageable. She now has morphed into this crafty old ho-bag who tiptoes into my life nonchallantly (minipads), then kicks my ass [super-plus plugs every hour plus extra fortification for inevitable needs, super long diapers at night (navel to ass crack's end) and seriously considering just staying home for a day], then hangs out for no good reason (back to minipads) for a long time and acts like she's left but then really was just off to take a nap or something. This sucks. I've considered an IUD because there is a chance you don't have a monthly visit for FIVE YEARS, but then found out you get one of those installed (by a professional, home installation is unavailable) while your dear old Auntie is visiting. Yeah, I'm not so sure about that action, I gotta tell you.

I have to say that it is that last part - It's gone! No, it's not. Yes, it's done. Nope, still there. I swear it's done! Crap. Ok, for sure now! Maybe? yesssss - that is the most annoying. Is this a function of age (dang Father Time - he keeps marching across my forehead and punishing me with permanent reminders that I smile a lot)? Is this just how this goes? They tell you a lot in school and books and stuff about how this process begins (remember the video and school nurse talk in 5th grade?), but not so much how it proceeds or winds down or ends. And I want someone to tell me if the sensation of trying to fill a bucket with the hole in the bottom (better known as my stomach) goes away with this whole deal. Who does a girl gotta know to get some answers to those kinds of questions? Inquiring and irritated minds want to know.

Oh, and I give myself the "Most widespread use of parentheses in one posting" award today. (thank you)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

DWTS Returns

Ooooh, I have a show to watch again! Season 8 of Dancing With the Stars debuted on Monday. So, if you call me on Monday or Tuesdays for a while, I'll be hanging up on you or only talking during commercials or when Denise Richards is dancing (nah, I'll watch her and complain about how horrible she is).

Not a stellar cast this season, but cute little Shawn Johnson is on there and she was great. Hooray for the Iowa Girl! Also, that chick who got dumped by the Bachelor guy was on there and you can tell she has been a dancer - was a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader AND took ballet. She's good, and might get the fan sympathy vote for being dumped on national TV.

Denise Richards is on and as I alluded earlier, I can tell I am going to be annoyed by her - this season's Susan Luchi (Loochi? Luci? I don't know how to spell that doofy waif's last name). I was impressed with the naked guy from the Sex In the City movie and voted for him a bunch, plus his partner is Cheryl Burke and I like her. There is some computer dork on there - cofounded Apple computers or some such trivia - and he is HORRIBLE. Put him out of his misery, please. And then there is Julianne Hough and her boyfriend, some country singer. They are cute, but I think it was a big mistake for them to get into this contest together. Mark my words, we're gonna get to see some spats between them.

Jewel's coyboy husband is on the show, Ty, and he is about a wooden as the siding on my house, but he is so honest and cute I voted for him to come back. He's all, "Shoot, I plumb forgot all the stuff we been workin on cuz my buddies are in the crowd and all I could think about was how they are laughin at me." hee hee. Funny, but he won't last long. He'll beg for people to vote him off, but I love that he is giving it a go.

Then there are the so-so people who could improve: Lil Kim, David Allen Greer, Holly Playboy Bunny, and others that were forgettable. Good luck to them. I'm pullin for Shawn to win the shiny disco ball trophy.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Scare Tactics

I have resorted to scare tactics with myself. This evening, I gave myself what-for in the bathroom mirror. It went something like this:

Good grief, woman, get a grip on yourself and stop shoveling sweets into your pie hole! (mmm..pie, no, knock it off) You are going to want to shop for some new Spring/Summer clothing soon, and you will be pretty miserable if you do not shape up, and I mean literally! It's not that hard. No sweets unless it is your birthday or the birthday of a family member or a major holiday (and no, Arbor Day does not count), and no fried food. That is totally reasonable. You can eat cauliflour instead of chocolate chip bars right after work; you LIKE cauliflour.

Then, because I was not sure I was really getting the message, I went to my bedroom and pulled out... my bikini. I wore it regularly two or three summers ago and a few times last year. I still like the colors and print and build of the the thing, so I hang on to it. I pulled that sucker out and tried it on. Take that! Scare tactics.

Now, I did go and do TK this evening. A good workout. Then I came home and ate two pieces of pizza, some breadsticks and a couple of globs of monkey bread. Then later I ate two chocolate chip bars.. cuz there were two left and I wanted those things out of my house (Sarah, Lisa, you understand...). Is it Spring yet? I need to go for a run.

Sigh. We'll see if my scare tactics work any wonders on my crumbling resolve.

Single Parenting...with help!

My hooby is out of town this week and next (he's getting his learn on - taking classes to be a home inspector). I am, therefore, single parenting right now. I just wanted to throw a shout out (holla) to my sister, Sahm, for the great help already. As if parenting three little kiddos is not enough, she is having us over for dinner twice this week and getting my little Blondie ready for dance on Thursday - same day she has to get her Strawberry girl off to tumbling class. Thanks, Sahm!! I'm so glad I moved to a town where family live....

Back Away from the Buffet

Card club is just killer for me. I have a food hangover today - woke up still full from the night before. That's no good. There were loaded potato skins, meatballs, and a variety of dips and crackers and veggies and chips. Then there were snickerdoodles and I made chocolate chip bars, and there was cheesecake (which Amber left at my house, dang it) and snicker salad. I should have backed away from the buffet about two trips before I finished (there were four trips through the line for me - first one a full plate, second one to the desserts, third for a little more of that parmesan and artichoke dip on cracked pepper and olive oil crackers, fourth for snickerdoodles).

Some people say that you should eat a sensible dinner before you go to those kinds of functions so that you are kinda full and don't overeat. That would not work for me. I would eat all of the good stuff anyways and just be miserable full. It's like telling an alcoholic to have a few drinks before they go to the bar. Just back away from the buffet!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Explain This, Mr. Wizzard

Why do we get muscle spasms? I don't mean the big cramps, but the little tics of my eyelids or such? Those eyelid twitches are super annoying. Well, today, my ABDOMEN is twitching. WTF? Can anyone explain this to me? It feels like I am pregnant (which i am not) and there is some tiny baby in there repeatedly giving me tiny kicks in my lower abdomen. Someone tell me why this is happening and how to make it stop. Does it have anything to do with the planks I have been doing to strengthen my core? Seriously annoying.

Appetite Attack

After the stomach flu, I was on a healthy eating roll and reaping the benefits on the scale. I wasn't very hungry and would get full quickly. Woo hoo! Well, the party is over. I am HUNGRY again. Dang it all. And it is girl scout cookie season again. Those things are all over the office and some will be coming to my house. Crap. Add to all of this that I am going to Minnesota to the Waterpark of America on the 21st of this month and that ups my "crap" statement to a "dammit." This is based on bathing suit requirements at the water park. Dammit.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fat John Silvers

Today I did not take time for lunch and did not eat breakfast. Dumb. I ate a couple of handfulls of almonds and a fun sized candy bar. Does that count as two meals? Anyway, stupidity aside, I got home and had not done any meal planning and my family wanted out of the house after being at home all day due to crap weather, so we went out for dinner. The kids wanted chicken, so we trekked to KFC, which is also Long John Silver's. The great grease combo! I tried their new "fresh meals" with the grilled salmon and veggies. It was just ok. The chicken planks looked so much better. I also ate one of my husband's hushpuppies. MMmmm, that's more like it.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dancin Queen

I went out dancing last night. Oh, man, is that ever fun. I love to dance! The DJ was really fun, and tried to play to the wide age range of folks in the room. I went with some girlfriends, a couple of whom I don't hang out with regularly, but they were tons of fun.

We went out for dinner first, and I had a really expensive cup of veggie-beef soup cuz I knew there were going to be "heavy appetizers" at the dance. Hey, I may as well eat them and get my $20 worth. My friend, Rochelle, and I tried everything except the hot wings (TGD would have been in heaven, Em). They had brownie bites - fudge jumbles, scotcheroos, frosted brownies. I tried them all. Mmmmm. And I would feel badly about that, but I danced my fool hind end off, so I figure I worked it off. My scale confirmed that I am doing just fine. yay!

This week, I plan to get back to the gym. Monday and Wednesday is Turbo Kick at 5:15 p.m. and I am determined to get there. Well, except for Monday when I am going to Mason City for my daughter's concert. Sigh... the best made plans... Oh, and some delusional part of my brain decided that I could go to "Body Sculpt" class at 5:30 a.m. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. ahem. I could go.

Smokin' Crack

On Friday night, I went over to my friend's house. This is my hairstylist friend. We had a great time just talking, laughing AND looking at clothes and shoes. She has quite the collection of clothing, and we had fun going through her stuff. Well, she had some dresses that are too big for her after losing some weight so she offered them to me to try on.

She is smokin crack. She, at her heaviest, might be a size 8. Somehow, she looks at me and thinks that might be my size. So, I tried to wriggle into a couple of dresses, but to no avial. She, on the otherhand, found a few things in her closet she forgot she owned and will look fantastic on her. I found more motivation to keep working on my goals. Oh, that and a fantastic pair of shoes that I will be coveting for a long time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wii Mii Happii

I got back on my Wii Fit today and yesterday, and my Wii was impressed. I did the toning and some yoga and set a new record in Hula Hooping. I also now can do some boxing, so I tried that out, and it's ok. It made my forearms hurt a little, so I guess I worked some sort of muscle there. There was a snowboarding balance game and I suuuuuucked at that. But it was fun.

AND... my Wii Fit Mii (let me know if you don't know what a Mii is) was very happy cuz that game now says I am in the NORMAL weight range. My hiney is still pretty big on that game, but I'm working on it. It still wants me to lose 17 pounds. Whoo..

I'm just happy to be back out of the 150s. (see tracking space, devoid of f-bombs) Granted, out of the 150's by the skin of my, well, my big butt. But out, none the less.

Be warned... I have a test coming up this weekend. Sigh. Oh! And I found out that I got a 95% as my recorded grade on the last test. Perhaps I got extra bonus points for passing on the first try, instead of taking two retakes like some of my classmates. Or my teacher gave me extra points just for being cool. Yeah, that's probably it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Make Lemonaide?

Life handed me a big ole lemon this weekend in the form of the stomach flu. Oof, that is as sick as I have been in a long time. Gross. And the worst of it was not the stomach-related nastiness, but the fever, shakes and aches. Wow. And this was in the middle of a weekend where my brother was home from Colorado, and my sister and her kids were visiting. Plus they all went to the gym and that was going to be my workout this week. Shoot.

But, if life hands you lemons...

Lemonaide = I bet I didn't gain any weight this weekend.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Shrinking Spouse

My husband is a good guy. When we met, he was a sophomore in college and had just finished a summer of lifeguarding before returning to school. Tanned, blonde wavy hair, bright blue eyes, great butt.

He would say it is fair to say that he has changed a bit over the years - a bit less hair that is now more brown than blonde, glasses, and not much in the way of a tan. But, I think he still has a great butt. He also would say that he is not quite the same size as when we first met (but then, neither am I). However, in the past couple of months, he has begun to shrink! He has lost about 15 pounds, and he looks great!

Color me proud, and a touch jealous all at the same time. But mostly proud.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Like They Knew

In psychology, there is a method/style/skill (whatever) called "Mindfulness" and it really is an ancient Zen practice, but we glommed on to it and now call it "therapy." Anyway, part of mindfulness is the practice of really participating in your experience, and doing so with a non-judgmental stance. So, the moto here is "it is what it is." No only is it what it is, it is neither good nor bad. It just... is. And it is as it is supposed to be, even if it is unpleasant. So we participate in our unpleasant experience, knowing that the only constant is change and thus knowing that it will not last forever and it is neither good nor bad and it is what it is. Got it? No? Me neither. At least, not in practice.

The stars have aligned, and I was born and raised and lived until this exact week in time, and so this week is perfect and is as it is supposed to be. And apparently this adds up to me with Aunt Flo, PMSing through a party last weekend (mmm.. food), not planning dinner so caving to eat out on Monday (hey, a night out with my girls! Fun! mmm.. food), being in Mason City yesterday at meetings where they brought pot luck lunch with brownies (mmm.. food, crap I ate five brownies. how did that happen?), so I got home late and got straight into my online class so ate a piece of pizza at 9:00 p.m. for dinner (mmm.. pizza), and having a recruiting lunch AND dinner at work today (mmm.. cheesecake). It's like they knew this would be the week to throw me off track. And tomorrow - pot luck at lunch at work. Great. I'm going to crawl into a hole and eat lettuce.

How does one accept that this IS what it IS and not judge it? I'm struggling. It's an oink-fest, is what it is, and I'm supposed to be trying to lose weight. Do you think I have worked out? Nope, not once. Not once!! What the hell is the matter with me? (nothing, because if something were the matter with me then that would be judgmental of me to say) I am not behaving in a skillful and effective manner, and I am angry about the results. How crazy is that?

I think I need a good therapist. Know any?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mileage Report

I logged 8 miles last week - not great, but not zero. That puts me at 39 miles. I will make better effort this week. No test looming over my head. Yay! I have not weighed myself. Maybe tomorrow. Sahm's scale said 151.5, but I need to weigh on my own scale to see how that's going. After this past weekend, I'm guessing not so great. sigh.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Back to the Drawing Board

Well, this weekend is a semi-bust on the diet scale. I did Turbo again yesterday for a whopping two workouts and the day is not over today, so perhaps I can make three workouts this week. I went to our office Christmas (Valentine's?) party last night and ate way too much, as is the case at those events. Chips, dips, (no chains or whips), and scotcheroos and chocolate frosted brownies! Yummy.

Today I took my neuroscience test, and it was awful, but I passed. I've never been so happy to get 87.5% in my life. You have to get 80% to pass. Whew. I was literally shaking at times, I was so stressed out by it. Unfortunately, I can also now explain all of the fine neurological points of WHY I was shaking and which path those neuronal signals took in my body to express the shaking. So, I stressed myself out AND upped my nerd factor by at least 10.

We are supposed to have cards this evening, but I don't think anyone is coming. Is it bad to say I am relieved? I want to stay home and watch movies and knit. Unfortunately, I need to read more for class and pay bills. waah, waaaaaaah. This may call for a trip to Sahms for more scotcheroos.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Stressed = Desserts backwards

I believe that I have mentioned my latest quest for furhter education. I'm taking classes toward a new master's degree, and made it through the first semester and am part-way through the second. The first semester was about general physiology, and was a lot of new vocabulary, but at least most of our physiological systems make some intuitive sense. This semester, we are working on Neuroscience and later, Neuropharmacology. Neuro.. having to do with the brain.

Our noodles are complicated little organs, and involve intricate little parts with crazy names. In addition, the way that it works deals with electrochemical forces and equations and junk like that. Needless to say, it's hard stuff. Our first test has rolled around, and we get to take it online, though there is a time limit, so you can't just sit around looking up the answers to every question as you go along. We have until Sunday to get it submitted, and it is stressin me out!! I am re-reading everything, so this takes up every evening. I have one more chapter of review and then I will take the flippin thing. One chaper is about 25 pages long, and it takes me about 1.5 hours to make it through that, taking notes as I go and pausing to scratch my head and re-read the sentences three or four times.

This is as unpleasant a task as I can stand. It makes me frantic, wondering if I'll get it and pass, or whether I will flunk this class. And not understanding it fully on the first read-through frazzles me. What do I do?! I want cookies and chocolate and buttered popcorn, that's what. See, normally, I would have a bunch of sweets and tasty treats right there, and this would bring enough pleasure to counteract the pain of the task and make it bearable. What do I do now??! I'm not gonna lie. I have eaten at least one cookie (vanilla sandwich cremes, Fareway brand - normally no temptation at all but I'm desperate) and Dove chocolate each night that I am working on this. Last night I was two steps from the buttery popcorn.

Exercise is supposed to be stress-relieving, but if I do that, I will not have time to get my reading done after the kids are in bed. Shoot. And it's not the immediate counteracting force that cookies afford. Last night I tried one of those flavored mix-ins for my bottled water. Sweet, without the calories. It helped me avoid the popcorn, but it was not the same satisfaction. Maybe I'll try chewing gum. Next week will be better.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Magical Fruit

Last week I got my hair colored and cut, effectively wiping away any trace of the fact that older age is marching its way across my head. Ahhh. I love my hairstylist. Really! I believe I have mentioned her before. She and I have been asked if we are sisters, which we both find amusing and fun. If we WERE sisters, she'd be the hot and sexy one and I'd be the pretty but average one. She has a perfect figure - or at least my version of perfect. Hourglass. She works at it - working out regularly, staying away from fried foods most of the time, focusing on healthy eating habits.

Last week while I was getting my hair done, she shared that she has been eating this bean salad stuff, and had some and gave me a taste. Mmm, tasty. So I got the recipe and made it, and I really like it. Here's the basics:

2 cans each of garbanzo beans, black beans, red beans or kidney beans. Broccoli slaw (shredded broccoli, or you could use finely chopped along with julienne carrots and some raddichio) - and you just add as much or little of that as you'd like. Pine nuts or whatever kind of nut you might enjoy. Chopped green onion. You mix all this together and then mix together some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, packet of stevia (sweetener - good stuff), dried mustard, sesame, garlic powder, or you can chop up a garlic clove and throw that in instead, tarragon. Then you pour the dressing over the whole mix and toss that around to coat. Stick it in the fridge and voila! Bean Salad.

Great! But it makes a popcorn bowl full of this stuff, so I have a ton. I eat it with a fork. I eat it on crackers. I eat it rolled up in a tortilla with some shredded chesse. I eat it as a side dish at dinner. I could eat it at breakfast. And there is still some left. Oof. But it is very healthy - lots of protein and fiber and veggies and stuff. Again, Great!

Um, but what's that old rhyme about Beans?.... (see title) Yeah. I guess this is why man made products like Bean-o.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Newest Excuse! Thanks, Paul Harvey!

Paul Harvey read a story yesterday on his little program that noted that women are less able to control their appetites than men. Don't believe me? I have included the link to the story...


So I say, "AH HA!" I fly the "no fair" flag high in the air and do a march around it with my bugle. I knew it! I'm programmed to be a ravenous hog! It's harder for me to deny that brownie than it is my spouse or brother or brother-in-laws. Add this to the fact that it is harder for me to lose weight than it is for a man, and well, I think we can all see the inequities here. What is even more off-puting is that the pressure for thinness is squarely aimed more at women. Join me in my "no fair" parade, will you? And we'll all hold signs that read: WTF?!

Pain - Acceptance = Misery (and other random stuff)

If you note the tracking space, I weighed myself this morning, and the scale certainly said better things than 154.6, but still not great. My logical mind KNOWS that 2 pounds per week is a healthy weight loss (and I lost 2.6, even better), and actually one pound per week is great. And if I lost 1 pound per week for four months, I would be at my goal. Heck, if I lost 1 pound per week for three months, I would be pretty happy at 140 pounds by May 1st - fitting comfortably back into my Spring/Summer wardrobe from last year.

I KNOW these things, but I have trouble accepting them. I don't accept that it will take concentrated effort for three or four months to reach my goal and then more effort to maintain it. I don't accept that 2.6 pounds in a week is something to celebrate. No, I reject that notion and internally pout about why I couldn't have lost five pounds and be back in the 140's. It's the 150 and over weight range that gets my undies in a bunch. I just have this thing about 150... it is a baaaaaad number. So, I guess my options would be to be grumpy about it or keep on trekkin on, denying myself cookies and cake and the breaded pork tenderloin with chips that is available for lunch in the cafeteria. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....

I got on my Wii Fit again last night and it said I had gained .2 pounds in four days, but I'm chalking that up to different workout clothes or perhaps I just needed to make a deposit at my local bank of poo. I did the yoga section, and it was ok. The hula hooping kicked my butt again, but I got a new record of 423 spins on one side. My core was burning!

AND, I was at a meeting from 6:30 until 8:45 last night and they had a giant jelly-roll pan full of chocolate brownies with chocolate frosting. These things were plated up in 3-inch by 3-inch squares, and it took every ounce of strength I had to not eat one.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Superbowl Fatday

Woo, this past weekend was a bit of a calorie-fest. There was a party on Sat. night with a buffet of goodies, and I practiced restraint, but still. Then there was Sunday, where I was really tired and sore and so I did not get on my Wii Fit or Hamster Wheel. Later on, pizza was had, and I ate some sour cream and onion dip on flattened pretzles (I love those things). Guilt ensues and I have not weighed myself. Maybe tomorrow.

12 miles this past week. So, add that on, and where am I? Past Britt! 31 miles or so, right? Lisa, where you at?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wii Fffffft.

My husband got me a Wii Fit for Valentine's Day! yay! I was very excited by this thoughtful gift. So I busted it out of the box right away and followed instructions to get started.

The beginning has you pick your little Wii person and then answer some questions about yourself, like your height and how old you are and whether or not you are wearing light or heavy clothing. Then it checks your center of balance and sees how quickly you can shift your balance to a certain degree and then reads tea leaves or something and comes up with your "Wii Fit Age." You Wii person stands there and is put in the spotlight and looks nervously at the sky until a giant number plops down behind her. Mine was 46. My Wii person hung her head in shame and then bent over and grabbed at her back like some old decrepit person. No lie.

At the end of all of this tomfoolery, your little Wii person stands there and the game tell you your BMI (cuz that little board thing is also a scale). Mine was in the OVERWEIGHT range. So then the Wii made a big low noise, like the sound effect for something nasty squishing out or landing in a glop, and my WII PERSON'S BUTT GOT BIG!!!! I am serious! And then I set some weight loss goals (about a pound a week) and the Wii seemed happy with my ideas.

I worked out on that thing for an hour, so here's my review for all who have not purchased one but are considering:

Balance games - very fun, but not strenuous at all. I rock at the big ski jump and suck rocks at the game where you roll balls around on a platform to get through a hole to the next level.

Aerobic games - In no way "aerobic" as a whole. Though the hula hoop game did get my heart rate up a bit. I am way better at hula hooping to the right than to the left. The whole time I am furiously twirling my virtual hula hoop, I was hoping nobobdy would come downstairs. I bet I looked pretty funny. The "step" part was at a slow march pace. I wonder if I do well at it, if it will speed up. The running was also at a walk, so I am hoping that it speeds up after playing it for a while.

Yoga - the section I did not do... yet. hey, I was on there for an hour! Give me time!

Strength training - These are good, and hard work. You work with a "trainer" and I picked the female (you can pick male or female trainers with a gray palor and blue workout clothes). The trainer shows you the exercise and then does it with you, and the screen shows you where your center of balance should be while you are doing the exercise. The trainer is bland and if you pick the female, she has boobs that are perfect circles, and look like a couple of half grapefruits stuck under her tank top. some of the things require you to put your hands on the board and the little grippy texture on that think kinda hurt. I worked through it.

So, there you have it. The Wii wants me to get on there every day. We'll see about that. You can also add on there any other exercise things you did that day. Like today when I worked out again with Sahm at the Y. Thank goodness she is motivated. I'm up to 12 miles this week!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Slow But Sure

Well, I revisited the torture device today and it said 152.4. So, if it were a talking scale, it might say:

"Well, that's better, but still not great."

I've only worked out twice this week - Monday and yesterday. One Turbo exercise and last night did the eliptical and weights. Two more to go before Sunday! I'm upping that goal over in the tracking section from three to four times per week. Healthy eating goals are going very well this week. I got a new recipe for a bean salad, and if it is good, I'll post it on here along with a link to a coupon for Beano. ha ha!

There is a dance coming up on the 21st and I'm excited about that. I love to go dancing. Would love it if I could get something new to wear in this same size that is not pinchy and makes me feel cute. If I lose 2 pounds per week, that would be six more pounds, and THAT would be worth celebrating with a good booty shakin time.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009



That's right! I'm starting off the blog-o-the-day with the f-bomb (as the title implies). And I do not use that word regularly, and am alarmed by the look of it after typing it, but... Fuck fuck fuck! Damn it all to hell!!

"Geez, Mia, calm down. What's with the potty mouth?" (...you might be saying.)

I decided to give my new torture device a try, and thought I would use the fancy feature of recording my starting weight and setting a goal weight so it will do the math for me and show me how much I lose and how far to my goal. Cuz, you know, we Amercians can't add or subract, so we need our scale to do it for us. Pathetic, but it came on the scale so I may as well try out that bell and whistle.

So, I weighed myself this morning in true morning fasion - first thing after the morning bathroom visit, and nekked (those clothes are too heavy). The scale said... 154.6 pounds!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! What? What that hell?! I have GAINED 3.6 pounds after three weeks of exercise? I have not just had a baby, I have not been ill and unable to use my exercise equipment, and I do not think I have been eating more than usual, so again, I say, "WHAT THE HELL?!" And the scale automatically set a goal for me of 139.4 pounds. My goal was 130 or 135 (size 8 - so not a goal for a tiny size), so the scale is not far off, but even that number that is dangerously close to 140 (in between 8 and 10) is a full on 15 pounds away from here.


In better news: I did 30 min of Turbo last night.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hobo Days

It is 23.1 miles from Algona to Britt. Britt's claim to fame is their annual "Hobo Days" because apparently that town was some sort of hobo haven back in the day. Or maybe it still is. I don't know. I just recognize the sign that boasts the festival and the large cartoonish drawing of a hobo, complete with patches and handkerchief full of stuff on a stick.

Last week, I logged 12 total miles, many thanks to Sahm for working me through an hour of yoga AND 30 minutes of TurboKick with two turbo sections for good punishment. What did I have the week prior? I think 7 miles? maybe 7.5? I'm still not quite to Britt, with 19 or 19.5 miles in. Damn. Well, maybe this week will be better... I had better just get out the Turbokick, cuz this hamsterwheel stuff is taking forever.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Here is the perfect illustration of the insanity of my health habits:

On Saturday I bought a brand new personal torture device (aka - a new bathroom scale), and it can track my starting weight, goal weight and progress along the way. Great! Research suggests that those who weight themselves regularly tend to be more stable with their weight as they notice variations more quickly and do something to correct them. Fantastic. I'll get right on that.

AT THE SAME TIME as I am purchasing this new tool for better health that will help me fight the yo-yo pattern of my weight, I bought... Dove caramel-filled chocolates and Fritos. What the...?! How does that make any sense? As an added bonus, when I hit the checkout lane the cashier grabbed a coupon and said, "Would you like a free box of turtles?" Hell, yes, I would like a free box of turtles - throw that bad boy in the sack. So, one heart-shaped box of turtles (six of the little darlings) were consumed over the weekend, and ALL by me.

Where was the word, "no" when I needed it? Bound and gagged by my inner fatso, apparently. Someone stop the insanity!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Are We There Yet?

Last week, I logged 7.5 miles on my way to Mason City. This week, so far, 6 miles. Lisa, I think, is kicking my hind end. Lisa, I'm going to leave it up to you to comment on your total. I think on Mondays I'll just post my weekly mileage and grand total then Lisa, you can post your in the comments. Ok?