Monday, January 26, 2009

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Here is the perfect illustration of the insanity of my health habits:

On Saturday I bought a brand new personal torture device (aka - a new bathroom scale), and it can track my starting weight, goal weight and progress along the way. Great! Research suggests that those who weight themselves regularly tend to be more stable with their weight as they notice variations more quickly and do something to correct them. Fantastic. I'll get right on that.

AT THE SAME TIME as I am purchasing this new tool for better health that will help me fight the yo-yo pattern of my weight, I bought... Dove caramel-filled chocolates and Fritos. What the...?! How does that make any sense? As an added bonus, when I hit the checkout lane the cashier grabbed a coupon and said, "Would you like a free box of turtles?" Hell, yes, I would like a free box of turtles - throw that bad boy in the sack. So, one heart-shaped box of turtles (six of the little darlings) were consumed over the weekend, and ALL by me.

Where was the word, "no" when I needed it? Bound and gagged by my inner fatso, apparently. Someone stop the insanity!

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