Sunday, March 15, 2009

School Fundraisers

Ick. I really dislike school fundraisers. I know they are needed, and such, but I just don't like running around begging for money and asking people to buy stuff they don't need and don't really want.

I will say that some fundraisers are better than others. I do not object so strongly to fundraisers involving food. I mean, I am going to eat anyway, so.. Bake sales are nice, as well as soup suppers (I don't have to cook? awesome) and pancake breakfasts. I will buy a candy bar for a dollar, no problem, as well as a can of cashews or a box of oranges.

I will also buy items of normal use - wrapping paper, bath/shower gels, candles, discount coupons to stores I frequent locally, and clothing items (tee shirts, sweatshirts, underwear, whatever) emblazoned with a local team logo.

I will be happy to give straight cash. In fact, could we save ourselves a boat-load of trouble by just donating cash to the school at the beginning of the year? We could just ask our usual relatives and colleagues at work to pitch in what they would normally spend in junk they don't want, and... money for the school and no junk in our homes.

My least favorites would be magazine sales and calendars. I already have enough magazines! I have bought subscriptions as gifts, but even then I'd rather buy a friend something else (like candles or wrapping paper, bath/shower gels, discount coupons or local team clothing items). Bleah, magazine sales. So, my sincerest apologies for those of you in my circle who will be hit up by requests for magazine sales by my 11-year-old. Oh, and calendars: I want to buy a pretty calendar for my kitchen or office, NOT your photocopied flimsy thing with all of the dates of the track meets and Quiz Bowl team competitions eating up the spaces. fugedaboudit.

School fundraisers are one of those things that I doubt very highly I will miss when my children are grown.

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