Monday, March 16, 2009

Voluntary Humiliation

We are having an "employee wellness" thingy at work where you get free blood test and body composition. I did mine this morning and am embarassed to say I am at 26% body fat. Yeesh. My BMI was in the normal range by the skin of its love handles, but that at least was the good news. My blood work looks good except for the BUN/Creatinine level was a little high and that has something to do with my kideys. I'll be asking more about that or looking it up on the web. I should know what that means, cuz I studied that stuff last semester, but I forgot. I'm doing well to know it has something to do with kidneys. And, for my troubles, I got a drawstring bag with our hospital logo on it. Sweet.

UPDATE: I got a read on my labs by a real and actual physician who said that the creatinine thing is related to my liver and is MEGA HEALTHY. Also, my cholesterol is fantastic. So, I can eat fried cheese and drink more booze, apparently. Woo hoo!

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