Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wii Mii Happii

I got back on my Wii Fit today and yesterday, and my Wii was impressed. I did the toning and some yoga and set a new record in Hula Hooping. I also now can do some boxing, so I tried that out, and it's ok. It made my forearms hurt a little, so I guess I worked some sort of muscle there. There was a snowboarding balance game and I suuuuuucked at that. But it was fun.

AND... my Wii Fit Mii (let me know if you don't know what a Mii is) was very happy cuz that game now says I am in the NORMAL weight range. My hiney is still pretty big on that game, but I'm working on it. It still wants me to lose 17 pounds. Whoo..

I'm just happy to be back out of the 150s. (see tracking space, devoid of f-bombs) Granted, out of the 150's by the skin of my, well, my big butt. But out, none the less.

Be warned... I have a test coming up this weekend. Sigh. Oh! And I found out that I got a 95% as my recorded grade on the last test. Perhaps I got extra bonus points for passing on the first try, instead of taking two retakes like some of my classmates. Or my teacher gave me extra points just for being cool. Yeah, that's probably it.

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