Monday, September 21, 2009

Silver Lining

If there is one upside to being sick for a week it is this: weight loss jump start. The tracking space has been collecting dust again over there on the right, not because I haven't been tracking, but because I was embarassed to type the real numbers. I think my weight climbed somewhere up in the 155 region - pretty gross. Well, I had reigned it in a bit and was stuck at 150 pounds. Grrrrr. After a week of being sick, I am back down to 147, and don't have much of an appetite. I'll take it.

I have a couple of motivating events coming up. One of them was the DesMoines trip that I missed (dang it), but the next one is on October 10th - Covered Bridge Days in Winterset. It's like a class reunion where you see a bunch of people you haven't seen in at least a year if not more. You all know there are three reactions to those meetings, "Wow, she looks great!" or "Well, it was nice to see her again." or "Wow, she's really let herself go. I'm surprised." I'm going for reaction #1.

The second event is Legacy Ball in early November. I want to buy a pretty fancy dress and go dancing and feel fabulous. I'd like the dress-buying part to be fun, as well. Yay for motivation. If my diet rules really worked, I'd be down to my goal of 135 by Covered Bridge. I'm shooting for 140 by then, and maybe 135 by Legacy. Cross your fingers that the reduced appetite effect from my illness hangs with me. I deserve SOME sort of silver lining after the week of crap I endured, right?

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