Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Another New Year

Another decade coming to a close. Let's see, what happened in the 2000's? I had a baby, my kids both started school, I graduated and got a real job, moved onto my second real job, and lately have noticed the signs of age marching steadily across my face. I figured out how to flat-iron my hair (a major discovery), went from choosing to get highlights and fun colors to being forced to get my hair colored to avoid the "tinsel" look. I have been every size between 6 and 16. I have worked out five days a week, and I have worked out once per blue moon. I discovered a love of shoes, particularly high heels. I started and got sick of various collections. I have steadily accumulated more and more stuff until I can hardly find a nook or cranny to shove one more thing. I discovered that garage sales are a lot of work. I became a rock star on four occasions.

So, what will the next 10 years bring? Who the heck knows?! I could keel over tomorrow for all I know! That's nice. Nice thought, right? Ok, ok. Let's see, barring catastrophe, here are my predictions for the next decade. I will turn 40 and deal with that just fine. One child will graduate high school AND college, and the other will be close to graduating high school. My hair will be really dang gray. I bet I'll keep coloring it. I'll get rid of a lot of stuff on garage sale and get more stuff, and it will bug me if I don't have enough room for all of it. I will either remodel my home or buy a bigger one. I will go on at least one more diet, and will wax and wane with my exercise habits. We'll see how much blogging I do.

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