Sunday, March 15, 2009

Got My Irish Up

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you that I ripped a couple of guys a new asshole at the bar last night. I was standing in between the bar and a table, talking to people at the table (back to the bar) when I hear some sort of snickering and muttering and feel SOMETHING TRACE ITS WAY FROM MY INNER THIGH UP ONTO MY ASS!! My hand went into a fist and I whirled around to see two sleezeballs at the bar looking right at me.

The Irish in me wanted to punch them and wanted to do so BADLY. But the local psychologist in me decided that would not be such a good image to leave at the bar, as I might likely get escorted out of the establishment. Instead, I ripped into them with the following (or something very closely related but possibly with more f-bombs if you can believe that):

Which one of you motherfuckers just touched my ass?! (they both denied, one said something about someone else telling him to do it) That's fucking bullshit! I am a married woman, and you are lucky my spouse is not here. If you even think about touching me again I will fucking cold cock you in a second. I'm serious, if you even brush my arm I will punch you in your fucking face.

It pisses me off all over again when I type it. I will fantasize that I punched them - a swift hook to the jaw. Motherfuckers.

1 comment:

SarahDee said...

OMG how i would have LOVED it if you had actually punched them.