Monday, April 6, 2009

An Ass Kicking

My brother has moved much closer to us, and I am so happy! As you all know, all three of my siblings are fitness instructors. Sigh. So, for at least two of them, I have now been the guinea pig for them to practice their craft. My brother is the latest to choose me out of the pool of guinea pigs and so I got to enjoy a training session yesterday.

Well, "enjoy" to some degree... The workout was good and my brother did a great job of giving me constructive feedback and lots of encouragement that made me feel good about myself and my workout, even though I know I am a total wuss and crazily out of shape; he made me feel like I had strength and was not too bad. Yet today my rear end is not enjoying a discomfort-free day. There are several other muscle groups that are a bit achey, but none complaining as loudly as my butt.

Tonight, I am going to try a new class at the Y - Zumba. Supposed to be latin dance and strength. We'll see which body parts are crying tomorrow...

Look at me go! Let's see how long this lasts.

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