Monday, March 9, 2009

Scare Tactics

I have resorted to scare tactics with myself. This evening, I gave myself what-for in the bathroom mirror. It went something like this:

Good grief, woman, get a grip on yourself and stop shoveling sweets into your pie hole! (mmm..pie, no, knock it off) You are going to want to shop for some new Spring/Summer clothing soon, and you will be pretty miserable if you do not shape up, and I mean literally! It's not that hard. No sweets unless it is your birthday or the birthday of a family member or a major holiday (and no, Arbor Day does not count), and no fried food. That is totally reasonable. You can eat cauliflour instead of chocolate chip bars right after work; you LIKE cauliflour.

Then, because I was not sure I was really getting the message, I went to my bedroom and pulled out... my bikini. I wore it regularly two or three summers ago and a few times last year. I still like the colors and print and build of the the thing, so I hang on to it. I pulled that sucker out and tried it on. Take that! Scare tactics.

Now, I did go and do TK this evening. A good workout. Then I came home and ate two pieces of pizza, some breadsticks and a couple of globs of monkey bread. Then later I ate two chocolate chip bars.. cuz there were two left and I wanted those things out of my house (Sarah, Lisa, you understand...). Is it Spring yet? I need to go for a run.

Sigh. We'll see if my scare tactics work any wonders on my crumbling resolve.


R G Swans said...

I know exactly what you need...think back to your college days (and if you didn't do this then think of my college days) when you go on a binge with your favorite drink. You drink it all day and all night and have a FABulous time and then suddenly you are over the edge and you have had TOO much and you get sick. You are sick for hours and you SWEAR to yourself that you will NEVER touch that crap again.
It has worked for me! I have never had cinnimon flavored schnapps since. So you just need to eat chocolate chip bars until you puke and then you will be so disgusted by them you wont ever want another one!
there...problem solved! Let me know how it goes.

Mia said...

You go first....

SarahDee said...

Yeah, RG's tactic works....for a while. When I was in college i ate an entire bag of peanut M&Ms (not a little regular sized bag, like the kind you buy for a party!), and I swore I would never eat another one cause I was so miserable. Well, it wore off at some point, cause I still love the damn things. Yesterday I ate 1/2 a chocolate cake, so that doesnt' sound so good. But i bet it will by next week. :)