Monday, April 20, 2009

How Mia Got Her Groove Back

I did it AGAIN! I got up and was at the gym at 5:30 a.m. Can you believe that? I sure can't. And I intend to continue this behavior until it becomes a habit. Also, thank goodness Lisa is there. It's motivating to go when you know that someone else will notice when you skip. Lisa, I don't know how you did it all on your own with no workout buddy/hall monitor. Hats off to you, my friend.

All of this comes not a moment too soon, I tell you. I weighed in at 151 again this morning. Geez Louise! My pants are all pinchy and my gut is such that it is wanting to push my pants down UNDER its girth, like some dude with a beer gut. You've seen those guys, with the huge belly and a normal sounding pants size because their pants never attempt to contain their stomachs. Well, my pants are attempting and losing the battle. I fight the war with belts or just routine hiking up of my britches, but I seem to be losing. So, I shall take up the sword of exercise and try to slay my foe, "Guttastrica" such that it will once again fit tamely within the bounds of my waistline. Wow, I went all dork-rific there with some renaissance festival kind of talk. Where'd that come from? Whatever. Anyway, it's me against the wub (short for waistline flub), and I intend to win.


R G Swans said...

You can now blog about falling in line with your other siblings my flabby butt on the weights! I have had fun doing something different and thanks to you I can still not walk down stairs yet! I thought I was going to die just getting to the car. It will be interesting to see how sore I am the first time I try to stand up and walk out of my cubicle! But I will go back again tomorrow......your brothers exercises are from the devils spawn however!

R G Swans said...

status update on the day....I had a meeting on the top floor today (which was only one flight of stairs from me) and after sitting in the meeting for an hour and attempting to walk DOWN the steps I thought I was going to have go down on my butt! It is even harder to go down stairs with sore legs and high heels! evil.....