Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Efficiency is the Name of the Game

I got a new computer and it kicks me off of the internet after about 10 minutes. I would like to chuck it through a window. I am busy at work, and thus explains my lack of blogging as of late. This will count as three blog entries in one...

1)I haven't golfed in about three weeks. I bought clubs this year, and it turns out that I enjoy golfing. I am terrible at it, but I like to give 'er a go and have a drink with friends. The lack of golfing is making me crabby when I look at my idle clubs in the garage.

2) I had an appointment for a massage and it got cancelled. I had made the appointment like a month ago. I made it because I am finally using a gift certificate that I got for Christmas a year ago. I was called about 5 hours before my appointment and asked if I could reschedule for one week later because someone had an emergency and couldn't move their neck. Um, is it just me or would that be better served by going to your local physician?? I didn't feel like arguing with the massage therapist, but I won't be going back to her ever again, I don't care how good the massage is. Bad business, people.

3) I went to a party with several beauty queens. Remember my friend, Mrs. Iowa? She's great, and there was a party in her honor as a "sendoff" to the Mrs. America pageant (you can check out all the contestants online. Just google "Mrs. America Pageant" and you can see my very pretty friend). If you'd ever like to feel a mixture of dowdy and relief, then I suggest you attend such a party. I'll just leave it at that. Good luck, Mrs. Iowa!!

There you go... three blogs in one - reader's digest condensed versions.


GrammaJ said...

Checked out the Mrs. America site. She's really pretty - hope she does well. Couldn't help but notice her EXTREMELY handsome husband :-)

Mia said...

Yes, J. They are the Ken and Barbie of our group of friends.