Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pain - Acceptance = Misery (and other random stuff)

If you note the tracking space, I weighed myself this morning, and the scale certainly said better things than 154.6, but still not great. My logical mind KNOWS that 2 pounds per week is a healthy weight loss (and I lost 2.6, even better), and actually one pound per week is great. And if I lost 1 pound per week for four months, I would be at my goal. Heck, if I lost 1 pound per week for three months, I would be pretty happy at 140 pounds by May 1st - fitting comfortably back into my Spring/Summer wardrobe from last year.

I KNOW these things, but I have trouble accepting them. I don't accept that it will take concentrated effort for three or four months to reach my goal and then more effort to maintain it. I don't accept that 2.6 pounds in a week is something to celebrate. No, I reject that notion and internally pout about why I couldn't have lost five pounds and be back in the 140's. It's the 150 and over weight range that gets my undies in a bunch. I just have this thing about 150... it is a baaaaaad number. So, I guess my options would be to be grumpy about it or keep on trekkin on, denying myself cookies and cake and the breaded pork tenderloin with chips that is available for lunch in the cafeteria. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....

I got on my Wii Fit again last night and it said I had gained .2 pounds in four days, but I'm chalking that up to different workout clothes or perhaps I just needed to make a deposit at my local bank of poo. I did the yoga section, and it was ok. The hula hooping kicked my butt again, but I got a new record of 423 spins on one side. My core was burning!

AND, I was at a meeting from 6:30 until 8:45 last night and they had a giant jelly-roll pan full of chocolate brownies with chocolate frosting. These things were plated up in 3-inch by 3-inch squares, and it took every ounce of strength I had to not eat one.

1 comment:

Em said...

Well you're doing much better than me. I'm way depressed today. My scale said I GAINED 1.5 lbs. And this is after working out 6 days a week for 2 weeks (5x a week the 2 weeks before that). Oh, and let's not forget I'm still nursing every 2-3 hours. So apparently I can no longer eat. I'm going to go curl up in the fetal position and cry.

Oh, and I'm tired of the "you just had a baby" excuse. Yeah, I had a baby... almost 3 months ago! And screw the "9 months on 9 months off" bullshit!