Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sledge Hammer, Please

I weighed myself this morning, cuz I know I have not exactly been following the points system like in my brief but shining days of glory. 146.5 - up 2.5 pounds. This pisses me off. I had on my PJs, so I quickly stripped (sorry for the nasty visual image) down to my skivvies, and... 146.5 - up 2.5 pounds. THIS PISSES ME OFF!! Frigga-frack! I have been faithfully going to Turbo Kick and I push myself in that class. I get low in my squats, reach high with my arms, add in the extra bounces for those extra calorie-burning moments, but all to little avail, apparently. And I could handle it if I could see some change in my body shape or something. But nope, same old oval-shaped slab of flab laying like some big gooey egg on my abs. Same wrinkled dimply knee fat, same size of clothing, same rolls that squish over my pantyhose. I'm not only about to fall off of the wagon, I'm about to jump off and smash the damn thing all to bits. Anybody got a sledgehammer?


Greg H said...

Nooo, F the scale. If you jump off, you can only fall further. Try changing your workout for a week. Instead of Turbo try running or elliptical or try HIIT. Here's the HIIT schedule I use:
You can do this at your own pace.

SarahDee said...

You could also try adding some resistance training (ie, weights or exertubes). If you have hand weights at home and are ever just watching tv or something (i know you don't have a ton of down time)...pick 'em up and just do some bicep curls, tricep push -backs, shoulder abductions, and maybe some lunges and squats. Increasing muscle mass increases metabolism, you know.
You could also borrow em's weighted gloves (or get yourself a pair) and "Maximize" (as they say in the infomercial) your TurboJam workout!
And definitely..."F the scale".
AND...try not to be so hard on yourself. I know it's frustrating as hell, but when you beat yourself up about every little indiscretion it makes it that much worse. Plus, I just saw you last weekend and you don't bad at all (you look a helluva lot better than you make yourself sound on this blog!).

Mia said...

Very nice sentiments, you two. For today, I have said F the Wagon - ate everything in sight and do not care. Well, that's not true, I do care and I'm done now cuz I feel gross.

I know I need to work out more. Apparently Em's killer abs/legs toning segments are not enough with Turbo. And I am going to have to sacrifice a bit more - do things like running and elliptical where 1 minute seems like 30. I had just hoped that my body would reward me for three or more solid weeks of workouts - one pound a week is not much to ask when your BMI is in the "overweight" range. Maybe I'll say F the scale and get a body fat measuring device or start measuring my arms, abs, legs, etc.

MichiganMama said...

Get back on the wagon!!! It's ok to fall off every now and then, but accept it and get back on. I fall off all of the time...(I refer to the nacho movie binge of this past weekend). And I am sure your body has changed in some way if you have been working out that hard for three weeks!! Get back on the's lonely up here without you!!!