Thursday, March 13, 2008

Flag on the Play

I would like to throw the "no fair" flag! Men have an unfair advantage in terms of weight loss. They lose fat faster, they built muscle faster, and let's face it, they are more easily "forgiven" for carrying a few extra pounds. My husband disagrees! What?! He and I went on WW a year ago or so, and he lost like 13 pounds in the time it took me to lose 5. So, my brother might also gripe at me for this post, but I'm going to pre-empt him with a "whatever" thrown his way. Have you ever watched Biggest Loser? Who wins that show? Dudes. Not cuz they work harder, not cuz they "have more weight to lose" - but because dudes have more testosterone, build muscle and rev up their metabolisms. So, here's a big "NO FAIR" for all the ladies who are trying to lose some weight along side some dude.

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