Saturday, March 8, 2008

Just Say No to Cookies

I made it! Another victory for me! Today I managed to go on a shopping trip, go out for lunch, and THEN over to Sahm's house where her spouse ordered takeout for everyone and I STAYED WITHIN MY POINTS RANGE. "No way." - you say. It's true! I turned away chips at lunch, even when they were already on my plate. I opted for the low carb wrap instead of the sandwhich I wanted (and it was pretty good, actually), AND I passed up some of the best frigging cookies on the planet. Not only did I pass up the cookies, I stopped and bought some for my spouse and kids, but none for me. Sahm gave me a bite of her oatmeal rasin cookie out of sheer niceness and a hint of pity. I won't lie: I wanted to rip the rest of the cookie out of her hand and gobble it up like the great poo-bah of cookies, old blue C. Monster, himself. "AAAAAaaaaahhm, numm, numm, nummm, smack, gulp (desparate eye scan for more cookies)" Seriously, cookies are one of my greatest frequency binge foods, so to pass one up is a crazy accomplishment. So, that alone would have me walking tall today, but then when faced with takeout food, I ordered a chicken breast sandwich (that automatically comes with fries) and did not eat the bun nor the fries. So, I'll be accepting pats on the back, but you'll have to get in line behind me and see if you can reach around my big head.

1 comment:

MichiganMama said... didn't eat the fries??? Are you super-human???