Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Turbo Jiggle

The kind of exercise that I have been doing is called "Turbo Kick." My sister teaches the class at our local YMCA, and she does a superb job. For those of you who have spent some time on your living room sofa surfing the TV for some entertainment, you may have run across TK's commercially available sister "Turbo Jam" created by Shalene Johnson to be available to the masses. My first experience with this "fat blasting, fast paced, exciting workout!" was when one of my sisters loaned me her Turbo Jam video about two years ago. At first I was a TJ fool - five nights per week, sweating, kicking and turboing my way to a skinnier me. Then I got bored and reduced frequency a LOT.

Now I am back to TK, twice per week. I enjoy the class environment. The only part I do not enjoy are the friggin mirrors. I am just staring at myself doing these moves and my whole midsection is like something made of jello. Gross. I am now thinking of wearing my Spanx under my workout clothes. How gross would those things be to peel off after a workout? Sigh, I'll just have to keep working to reduce the jiggle.

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