Monday, March 10, 2008

Oh How the Mighty Have Fallen

My cookies showed up, right on schedule. And I frantically thought of how to dispose of them, when I had a thought: Eureka! I can take them to card club and pedal them off to my unsuspecting friends! I was feeling like a super genius, AND great cuz I hauled my ass onto my treadmill yesterday and ate fiber/protein cereal and my 2pt. bologna sandwich. Super dieter!!! Able to resist french fries and cookies in a single day. I was invincible!

And then we went to card club. Sahm was there and noticed that all of the women must be PMSing cuz there were an inordinate amount of sweets present. I brought the Crack Cookies and some pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting cut into 1" squares (cuz people eat more if they are bite-sized). Sahm brought chicken and cheese dip in the crock pot to eat on whole wheat crackers. There were chocolate dipped strawberries, and pheasant with wild rice and mushroom soup. Then there was a plate of cheese and summer sausage and deer sausage. My friend who had the superbowl party brought the thing that brought me to my knees in pig-out submission: some sort of snack mix with M&Ms, cashews, cereal (duh) all topped off with a mixture of butter/karo syrup/brown sugar. Holy crap, it's kryptonite!!

The only thing I left alone was the turtle cheesecake. I was miserable all evening, and my scale was angry with me this morning. I flipped it the bird and then flipped myself off in the mirror. Stupid card club.

Back to basics today, folks. Bran flakes and coffee all the way. And I'm staying out of the breakroom - Superbowl Hostess brought the leftover kryptonite to work today. Bitch.


MichiganMama said...

You know you live in IOWA when the treats at card club contain the words "pheasant" and "deer"!!!! hahaha But like I always say, tomorrow is another day!

Greg H said...


Mia said...

Yeah, the treats at my house for card club NEVER contain the words "pheasant" and "deer" unless brought by someone else. But, hey, I'll eat 'em. Tasty varmits.

Mia said...

Oh, and Greg: are you lol-ing at me and the blog, or at michiganmama's witty observation about rural card club quisine? Cuz both are pretty funny, if I may say so.

Greg H said...

I was laughing at both, but especially michiganmama's comments. Only in Iowa hahaha

GrammaJ said...

I was once a michiganmama and let me tell you, deer could be in just about anything there. Or fish - they actually do something called "smelt fishing" where they take nets into the water and scoop out "smelt" (whaterver that is). Then you deep fry it and supposedly, it tastes like french fries, which I guess beats, "tastes just like chicken"!

MichiganMama said...

Ok grammaj, I'll conceed that there are some parts of Michigan in which you will find varmit appitizers...but not alot of deer, pheasant, or smelt (I thought they only fished for that in Minnesota!!! but that could be an entirely different story)here in Metro Detroit!!!

GrammaJ said...

Ah, yes, Detroit: urban. But head north and everything changes. Lived in Midland for a couple of years. Loved it there. What a beautiful state!