Friday, March 14, 2008

Sad = Hungry?

I'm going to a funeral this weekend. My uncle (by marriage on my dad's side) passed away this past week, and though I was not terribly close to him, I'm going to the funeral because it's family and that's what you do to show support for my aunt, cousins, etc. But with funerals comes food. Why is that? We get sad and eat? Yes, we do! When someone in your family dies, people bring you flowers, cards (sometimes money), and food. Because all of those things make you feel better, I guess. Flowers are cheerful. Cards have nice sentiments, and money helps defray expenses or makes you feel good about donating to a good cause. Food, well, I guess food is given because people assume you'll be too sad to cook for the large crowd of mourners at your house (true), but nobody is bringing over salad and sugar-free jello. They bring piles of ham and casseroles and brownies, cakes and cookies (oh my!). So then we can be sad, full, and later sad about the fact that our pants are snug. Would it be weird if I brought the mourning family a workout video? "Here, work out. It'll make you feel better...." yep, that'd be weird. Luckily, I am just going to the funeral and the luncheon, so I will avoid the cake table. Or at least I hope that I will. Who knows, maybe I will be so sad that the only thing that will cheer me up is a fudgy brownie. Dang it! Why are brownies so frickin good?

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