Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Phat Girl Makes a Friend

Today I ate lunch with a friend, and in that process discovered a kindred spirit. I cannot tell you how glad that made me feel! Remember how I was mourning the cold bar stool left empty when Sahm went off and became Uber Exercise Woman of profound strength, muscle tone and defined calves? Well, I quit crying in my beer this week, and am quietly (well, not so quietly now I guess) but resolvedly (is that a word? means: with much resolve and dedication?) working on my own Phat Girl recovery program - inching away from the bar stool that tempts me with fried cheese and cookies. Are you all smacking yourselves in the forehead saying, "Um, DUH! Wasn't that your big goal when you started this dumb blog?" Well, yes. And shut up.
Anyway, so I had lunch at Subway (had the apple slices instead of chips and one of their non-fattening sandwiches - the ones that Jerod ate to lose enough weight to fit into one leg of his former giant pants) with this friend, and we both started talking about our desires to lose some pounds before the summer, and in this discussion I discovered that I am not alone!! She, too, per her report, makes enough time to exercise but not eat well, or makes time to eat well, but then falters on exercise. She has also known the satisfaction of being at a weight that makes clothes shopping bearable, even enjoyable, only to fall off of the health wagon and grow out of those clothes hanging dejectedly in the closet. She admitted that she thinks about weight daily - ME TOO (um obviously, I have a whole dumb blog about it). You know, not every moment of every day, but at least once daily! And that she feels all of those differences that I feel - blah when eating like crap, lower energy when heavier than we want to be. And we have similar weight loss goals, so we're at similar points in the journey and this seems to make a big difference to me. Ahhhhhhh.... and in this commeraderie I have new hope. How silly is that?? Well, I don't care. Misery loves company, and apparently at similar levels of misery. AND to top it off - today was a very good day - exercised and ate well. So there. Take that, bar stool.

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