Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Panic Poet at the Gym

This is the LAST week of Turbokick class!!!! What am I to do?! Crap crap crap! I need at least another couple of months of this class, and it is moving to 9:30 a.m. I am at WORK during that time, so that's a no go. And I am bad at doing it on my own. Bad, I tell you.

I'm going to have to resort to Pilates or something. I have no desire at all to do Pilates. Maybe kettlebells can firm my fanny, whittle my waistline, curve my calves, de-jiggle my arm wiggle. Here is my haiku, inspired by my exercise reluctance:

Standing in the gym.
Love handles I do not love.
Push myself! Work out!

Here's another:

Sweat rolling down neck.
Breathless. Acheing. All meant to
Work off that cookie.


SarahDee said...

Exercise haikus...too funny. Isn't there another class you could take in the evening? Could you make yourself go when the TK class used to be and just walk/jog on the track or treadmil?
I wish I suffered from food hangovers like you and Greggy. I got nuthin. And I'm PMSing so chocolate is very important to me right now.

Mia said...

Well I have a slight food hangover, but it doesn't stop me at all from picking up the sweets the next day. Greg has that one up on me. I think kettlebells are at the same time. I'm going to keep going to the gym. Either that or it is going to get warm outside and I will take my fat old dog out for walks/runs more often. That's the master plan.