Wednesday, March 11, 2009

DWTS Returns

Ooooh, I have a show to watch again! Season 8 of Dancing With the Stars debuted on Monday. So, if you call me on Monday or Tuesdays for a while, I'll be hanging up on you or only talking during commercials or when Denise Richards is dancing (nah, I'll watch her and complain about how horrible she is).

Not a stellar cast this season, but cute little Shawn Johnson is on there and she was great. Hooray for the Iowa Girl! Also, that chick who got dumped by the Bachelor guy was on there and you can tell she has been a dancer - was a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader AND took ballet. She's good, and might get the fan sympathy vote for being dumped on national TV.

Denise Richards is on and as I alluded earlier, I can tell I am going to be annoyed by her - this season's Susan Luchi (Loochi? Luci? I don't know how to spell that doofy waif's last name). I was impressed with the naked guy from the Sex In the City movie and voted for him a bunch, plus his partner is Cheryl Burke and I like her. There is some computer dork on there - cofounded Apple computers or some such trivia - and he is HORRIBLE. Put him out of his misery, please. And then there is Julianne Hough and her boyfriend, some country singer. They are cute, but I think it was a big mistake for them to get into this contest together. Mark my words, we're gonna get to see some spats between them.

Jewel's coyboy husband is on the show, Ty, and he is about a wooden as the siding on my house, but he is so honest and cute I voted for him to come back. He's all, "Shoot, I plumb forgot all the stuff we been workin on cuz my buddies are in the crowd and all I could think about was how they are laughin at me." hee hee. Funny, but he won't last long. He'll beg for people to vote him off, but I love that he is giving it a go.

Then there are the so-so people who could improve: Lil Kim, David Allen Greer, Holly Playboy Bunny, and others that were forgettable. Good luck to them. I'm pullin for Shawn to win the shiny disco ball trophy.


SarahDee said...

I've never watched DWTS, but I'll be tempted to watch Shawn Johnson. Tempted...but probably won't. No time for TV around here unless it's Project Runway (which isn't on right now). It's fun to have "a show" though, so enjoy!

R G Swans said...

I share in your excitement however mine is for American Idol of which I have an addiction! I was so pumped up last night after watching the 2 hour show I could hardly fall asleep. There is a new rocker on there that I am bit smitten with! shhhhhh
Enjoy your show! I was considering watching that as well but I am also in the middle of my other obsession (Twilight series) and wishing I knew a vampire named Edward. And by the time these are over with Big Brother will be making its appearance again!! yeah me....