Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wii Fffffft.

My husband got me a Wii Fit for Valentine's Day! yay! I was very excited by this thoughtful gift. So I busted it out of the box right away and followed instructions to get started.

The beginning has you pick your little Wii person and then answer some questions about yourself, like your height and how old you are and whether or not you are wearing light or heavy clothing. Then it checks your center of balance and sees how quickly you can shift your balance to a certain degree and then reads tea leaves or something and comes up with your "Wii Fit Age." You Wii person stands there and is put in the spotlight and looks nervously at the sky until a giant number plops down behind her. Mine was 46. My Wii person hung her head in shame and then bent over and grabbed at her back like some old decrepit person. No lie.

At the end of all of this tomfoolery, your little Wii person stands there and the game tell you your BMI (cuz that little board thing is also a scale). Mine was in the OVERWEIGHT range. So then the Wii made a big low noise, like the sound effect for something nasty squishing out or landing in a glop, and my WII PERSON'S BUTT GOT BIG!!!! I am serious! And then I set some weight loss goals (about a pound a week) and the Wii seemed happy with my ideas.

I worked out on that thing for an hour, so here's my review for all who have not purchased one but are considering:

Balance games - very fun, but not strenuous at all. I rock at the big ski jump and suck rocks at the game where you roll balls around on a platform to get through a hole to the next level.

Aerobic games - In no way "aerobic" as a whole. Though the hula hoop game did get my heart rate up a bit. I am way better at hula hooping to the right than to the left. The whole time I am furiously twirling my virtual hula hoop, I was hoping nobobdy would come downstairs. I bet I looked pretty funny. The "step" part was at a slow march pace. I wonder if I do well at it, if it will speed up. The running was also at a walk, so I am hoping that it speeds up after playing it for a while.

Yoga - the section I did not do... yet. hey, I was on there for an hour! Give me time!

Strength training - These are good, and hard work. You work with a "trainer" and I picked the female (you can pick male or female trainers with a gray palor and blue workout clothes). The trainer shows you the exercise and then does it with you, and the screen shows you where your center of balance should be while you are doing the exercise. The trainer is bland and if you pick the female, she has boobs that are perfect circles, and look like a couple of half grapefruits stuck under her tank top. some of the things require you to put your hands on the board and the little grippy texture on that think kinda hurt. I worked through it.

So, there you have it. The Wii wants me to get on there every day. We'll see about that. You can also add on there any other exercise things you did that day. Like today when I worked out again with Sahm at the Y. Thank goodness she is motivated. I'm up to 12 miles this week!


The Lada Family said...

Hmm - sounds just okay. I don't have a Wii, but I did order a turbo jam video from amazon. It was just okay. I like my Tae bo tape better cause it's not so dancey. I have to do it in the living room where everyone is watching so I felt like a complete fool trying to learn the moves.
But, I was a little sore the day after doing it.

SarahDee said...

Yeah, I'm not itching to get a Wii Fit either. I wish I could to Turbo, though!! I'm the opposite of H. I'll never do TaeBo again. I love TK! I tried to do it the other day and my sternum suggested i NOT (it hurt!). The Neulasta strikes again.
Anyway, it sounds like a fun way to get a workout in. And again, i'm very jealous of you and SAHM and the Y.

SarahDee said...

Oh, and PS, I laughed so hard at the thought of your little Wii person getting a big butt! That's hilarious!

Mia said...

I'm with Sarah - the dancey part is the best part! You should see if they have a group fitness class anywhere, Hailey. TK is best done with a group of fun people, I think.