Monday, January 5, 2009

One Down, a Lifetime to Go

Hooray for me! I worked out today! Now, compared to what my siblings are used to, the workout was more like a warm-up, but it counts if you are in slug mode, as I have been. Wow, there were a lot of commas in that sentence. Can I get a period in there, please? Who's editing this blog?

Anyway, I got on my hamster wheel for 22 minutes, and then danced around my basement like a fool (but a fool having fun and burning calories). Also, I did lunges back and forth across the basement and then wall-sits for long enough for my thighs to burst into flames. Once I extinguished the flames, I added in some triceps presses with a 5 lb. weight. Wooo!! Look at me go!

I got a call from my brother this evening, and he asked what kinds of exercises I was planning to do. After approving of my initial list, he asked, "Are you going to lift weights?" Um, no. "Why not?" Um, I don't know. They're heavy. Apparently, he is advocating for weight lifting. So the 5 lb. weight use was in his honor, as was the wall sit.

I guess all that is left to do is continue this trend for the rest of my life. Not daunting at all.

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