Monday, January 12, 2009

No Change No Glory

Crap. No change. A week of good eating (though card club was not good - darn cocaine laced snack mix) and two workouts on the wheel, plus shoveling snow (I counted that as my third) and a lot of farting.... and.... nothing. Same numbers on the scale. Same pinchy pants. Drat! I am not giving up, but that's rough in the first week when I am needing some reinforcement - even a half a pound!! I have only logged four miles on my treadmill, and I think Lisa is going to lap me on that challenge. I set my alarm and wore workout clothes to bed. In the morning I shut off the alarm and made a note to get on the treadmill tonight. Now I want to eat pizza and lots of it.

I got the Volumetrics book today. Perhaps I will read that and get re-inspired.


SarahDee said...

Hang in there. I didn't know you had a "hamster wheel" challenge w/ someone. Really good idea.

Mia said...

Yep, on a hamster wheel jouney to Mason City with Lisa. We could call it "The Target Run" since I am betting that is the main reason both of us even venture to Mason City.

R G Swans said...

Don't feel bad...I didn't get there today! I woke up at 5:15 but then so did Drew. I instead watched Blue's Clues on the couch and was thankful that I didn't go outside in the -20 degree cold! We will get there though!!

Mia said...

I got 1.5 miles in this morning, and am committed to another 1.5 this evening. If I do three today and three tomorrow, I'll catch up with you. Heck, I'm just happy I got up and did SOMETHING today.

Em said...

I'm feeling the same way! I want some results. I've been working out and I'm nursing so that should count for something. I'm trying not to be a complete pig (that's a little harder right now) but still - not even .5 a lb?!! C'mon, throw me a bone stupid scale! UGH!