Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Radio Station in a Rut

I really like the song "Love Shack" by the B-52s. It's one of my favorite Myddleclasse cover tunes, and it's just good fun in general. BUT, our local radio station plays it EVERY afternoon. Seriously. Every one. And when I hear it, I start thinking, 'Good grief! I know it's a good song, but a little variety, people!' Overkill is about to ruin a perfectly good song for me. Maybe I should call and complain.


R G Swans said...

Yes they do play that every day and those of us that have the stupid radio station playing in the background of daily work find it excrutiating...I don't ever care if spelled that wrong because I am so annoyed.
They also play Dancing Queen on a regular basis, and you can almost bet money that they will play Manic Monday....every (you guessed it) Monday!
When I travel outside of the radio signal and can get a station that actually plays commercials for large car lots every 5 seconds I am in ear heaven.
You should call and complain...please do!

Em said...

I remember working in Storm Lake and having the local radion station playing in the background. They did the same thing. I swear they had the same track list for everyday, and sometimes they would play a song once in the morning AND in the afternoon (in case you went to the bathroom and missed it the first time).

Mia said...

Yes, it is background work noise here, and Dancing Queen was played this morning. I'm waiting for Love Shack. Lazy people. There is a plethora of music out there. Quit overplaying things!