Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Miss Group Exercise!

Today at noon we had a potluck lunch - soups, bread and dessert. Deliciously evil potluck lunch. My friend Cassi made peanut butter cookies wrapped around a snicker snacker, so you take a bit of yummy peanut butter cookie, and then the next bite.. snickers and peanut butter cookie! I had two. Then I felt like a slug.

Well, at work they have newly placed some old equipment from the physical therapy department in a big empty room and painted footsteps around the perimeter and voila! Exercise room! So some friends were talking about that room, so I said, "Wanna walk?" and we all tromped down there. I used the NodicTrac (remember that thing? Cross country skiing verson of a hamster wheel - and it's hard!), and the ab thing that is some bars and a pillow to help your form, and the weight pull-down bar thing to work my shoulders and triceps. Then I challenged one of my friends to pick up a 5 lb. hand weight in each hand and do lunges down the length of the floor and back, do wall sits, and THEN we walked. And I did it all in heels.

She brought fun music and it made me think of TurboKick, and I actually had an URGE to do TK again! So, we might be starting a noon turbo group that just does a 20 minute routine. I'm so excited! I could get in some exercise (2 miles, by Sarah's count?), and have no guilt about being at the gym in the evening! So what, my patients have to deal with me being all gross and sweaty. Too bad for them. I may have to invest in a sweatband (gross! ha ha!).

And even if this does not come to pass, maybe I'll just get a group to go and goof around like we did today for 30 minutes. By the way, Lisa, I'm counting all of that as 1/2 mile, so I'm up to a whopping two miles. I'm now off to face my hamster wheel. Sarah is right that it is hard to start the exercise. But I find it equally hard to keep going. I want to be done way sooner than I need to be. That's why group exercise is better - it holds my interest longer and I have fewer whiney, "Can I be done now?" thoughts. I'd rather be knitting.

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