Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Volumetrics Duh

Well, I have been reading my new book on Volumetrics. It's a very scientific approach, which I like because it is not promising anything wild. The author is a researcher in satiety (feeling full) and nutrition. The basic idea is to eat a lot of foods that are low in energy density (calories per ounce) to feel full and happy and yet maintain the calorie deficit that is the key behind weight loss. That's right - no carb counting, superfoods, colon cleansing, green tea, Hoodia, etc. Just take in fewer calories than you burn. Exercise is highly recommended (cuz it ups the "burn" side of the equation) as well.

But, the plan is kind of "duh" - eat an apple instead of a cooke. Duh. Eat fruit and yogurt parfait instead of ice cream sundae. Duh. Eat a plate full of veggies and broth based soup instead of chips and cheeseburger. Duh. But they promise that you will be more full and satisfied if you eat the "duh" way. The problem is that I KNOW these things intellectually, but I want the burger way more than the soup. How do you change that? How do I get the big plate of veggies with low-fat dip to look better than the wavy Lays and sour cream and onion dip? I know I can eat more of the first and lose weight, but... Apparently I am insane.

I am doing baaaaadly this week. I did not get back on the treadmill last night, (but DID finish my neuroscience homework) and did not get up early this morning. 1.5 miles logged so far this week and it is Wednesday. Crappedy crap crap. Sahm used to work out 2 HOURS per day before Bambino came along, and she will get back to it again once Bambino is not so needy with the nursing and stuff. Other people get up and go to the gym (Lisa!) or go in the evening, or get their asses on their treadmills or steps or Turbokick (Sarah!). What is the matter with me???!! I would like a week's vacation where I go and stay with my brother and he kicks my good habits into gear. I'd like to be on Biggest Loser, but I'm not near that needy. Mostly I'd just like to go to a ranch somewhere for a month, where my only demand (beyond showering, and I think that's optional) is healthy eating and exercise.

I know, I know. "Quit waiting for it to be easy and just make yourself do it." And quit wishing for someone else to jumpstart your life and do it. I am not helpless. I think I can I think I can I think I can... I'm going to go eat an apple.


Em said...

I'm thinking I need to start viewing my bad eating habits as an addiction - maybe that would help. Aren't there some 12 steps or something? Anyways, you know - alcoholics can't have one sip of alcohol, I can't have one bite of a cookie.

And you should figure a way to count in aerobics into your mileage so you're not always stuck on the treadmill. Are you guys to Wesley yet? :)

SarahDee said...

I have the same problem w/ healthy eating. I KNOW what I should be doing, just hard to actually do it.
I will say that I think the most difficult part of exercise, or making yourself exercise, is actually starting. Like getting ON the treadmil, or putting in the workout DVD. Once you get on the dang thing, or start the warm-up, you're good to go. So, you really only need to manage that first step and then you're there. You can do it!
And I agree w/ Em on the TK mileage. I'd say a TK round should equal 4 miles. (TK is approx 40 min of cardio. figure you work at about a 10 min/mile pace during TK, that's 4 miles. I'm a math major...don't question my logic!) :)

R G Swans said...

If someone could come up with a diet that has food that tastes like a cheeseburger and french fries with a chocolate peanut butter shake for dessert but is actually veggies and fruit I am on it. That is my problem, I like food and when I try and deprive myself of what I like it always backfires on me!

I agree on the other workouts as well...We'll get there don't worry. And no Emily we are barely out of city limits but we are moving in the right direction!

Mia said...

Lisa, at my pace, you may have to stop at Racers along the way. The Race to Racers?? We could celebrate our good health by drinking too much.

R G Swans said...

Oh don't worry we will get there!
I have 1.5 for today. I did get up early but wasn't about to go out in -39 degree temps so I went downstairs to exercise instead.

And by the way I was laughing so hard last night at a commercial and thought of you and your struggle - well I guess it isn't just yours I have the same struggle!
But there was this lady on a Slim Fast diet and it shows her drinking her shake and thoroughly enjoying it (lie). And she is walking outside and passes a bakery and looks longingly in the display window at all the tempting pastries and What? Out of nowhere a GIANT donut comes rolling at her. So she kicks it to pieces and then comes another one (sprinkles this time) and she punches it! That is exactly what happens, even though the effort is there eventually the huge attacking donuts are going to win. You can only kick a donut to pieces before you run out of energy and just eat one. This lady won the fight - but we all know you can't believe what you see on TV!