Monday, January 5, 2009

The First (second, hundredth, whatever) Monday

Well, it's Monday again. I always start diets, er, healthy living, on Mondays. So, I weighed in this morning and the scale said I am back up to my original starting weight. Sigh. Ok. You all can see my goals for the week in the tracking space, but I'd love it if you would use the comment space on this post to tell me YOUR goals, so we can report back next Monday. I'm sure I'll have something whiney to say throughout the week, but Monday will be the official weigh in day.

Also, I have decided NOT to do Weight Watchers again. I know that I probably should, as it has some of the best support in the medical and research communities, but I ordered a book about "Volumetrics" which is basically learning to fill up on fruits and veggies to avoid feeling super hungry. Why I needed a book to learn that, I don't know. I also looked for Wii Fit this past weekend, but those things are sold out everywhere.


SarahDee said...

I need a nutritionist. I don't know how much of anything I should or should not be eating (like sugar, fiber, fat, etc). I was reading a site regarding colon cancer, and it said a possible cause could be too much fat intake. Do I eat too much fat? I know I eat too much sugar. It advised lots of fiber, whole grains, veggies, fruits, etc. Pretty much like every "healthy living" plan. I spent an extra $1 per loaf today and got the whole grain bread. (and that was on sale!) Damn that stuff is expensive. I might look into making my own. (i like to bake and whole grain bread has to be better than cookies, right?)

Greg H said...

Thank god your getting off that WW YoYo diet. It's too bad they don't put a claimer stating you'll gain everything back in two weeks after you quit.

Mia said...

Well, Greg, they actually have a "maintenance program" where you increase you points (calories) to find where you can stay put without regaining. I just never do that step. Durt-da-durr.

Sarah, do you have a bread machine? Not that you would need one. Maybe you would enjoy the challenge of making your own bread. I enjoy buying $4 loaves of bread from our organic/stone-ground whole-grain bakery.