Tuesday, January 27, 2009



That's right! I'm starting off the blog-o-the-day with the f-bomb (as the title implies). And I do not use that word regularly, and am alarmed by the look of it after typing it, but... Fuck fuck fuck! Damn it all to hell!!

"Geez, Mia, calm down. What's with the potty mouth?" (...you might be saying.)

I decided to give my new torture device a try, and thought I would use the fancy feature of recording my starting weight and setting a goal weight so it will do the math for me and show me how much I lose and how far to my goal. Cuz, you know, we Amercians can't add or subract, so we need our scale to do it for us. Pathetic, but it came on the scale so I may as well try out that bell and whistle.

So, I weighed myself this morning in true morning fasion - first thing after the morning bathroom visit, and nekked (those clothes are too heavy). The scale said... 154.6 pounds!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! What? What that hell?! I have GAINED 3.6 pounds after three weeks of exercise? I have not just had a baby, I have not been ill and unable to use my exercise equipment, and I do not think I have been eating more than usual, so again, I say, "WHAT THE HELL?!" And the scale automatically set a goal for me of 139.4 pounds. My goal was 130 or 135 (size 8 - so not a goal for a tiny size), so the scale is not far off, but even that number that is dangerously close to 140 (in between 8 and 10) is a full on 15 pounds away from here.


In better news: I did 30 min of Turbo last night.


The Lada Family said...

LOL! I know, It's really not funny but I'm cracking up. And... I like your fancy scale! I want one that tells me things like that. Actually, I think I should make a scale that talks! Wouldn't that be awesome. Program in your goal weight and if you're above it could say mean things to you and if you're below it could whistle and call you hot stuff :-)
WOOO! I bet it would sell :-)

Mia said...

I think the Wii Fit does something like that - it makes a noise or something when you get on the balance board, which also acts as a scale. See why I want one of these things? That's it. I'm ordering one. Hello, Amazon.com!

And, it's ok to crack up - I'll laugh at it, too, once my scale says kinder things.

Em said...

Well I need to come over and weigh myself on your scale because that seems way high. You should come over and step on mine. And I've been busting my butt fitting in workouts everyday and I still haven't lost anything. So I'll see your F-bomb and raise you a "Motherfucker!!"

Em said...

Hailey, your scale should have Oprah's voice on it saying things like "Girl, you must have ate too much mac and cheese."

SarahDee said...

LOL! I love the Oprah idea. That's hilarious! I would progam her to say, "Well, what do you expect after eating all those cookies?!"
I'm guessing you didn't actually GAIN any weight...just stepped on a different scale. The hospital scale weighs me 4-5 lbs heavier than my scale at home. I would choose to believe my home scale is correct if my jeans weren't telling me otherwise.
I know it's hard not to get down about it, so let yourself be pissy about it for a while, and then move on. (advice people keep giving me)
Want me to go to Walmart and get you some sweatpants? :)

GrammaJ said...

OMG! This post, along with the comments, is making me think I might need to invest in "Depends"!
And I was worried about my "Chinny Chin Chin" post, knowing my nieces, and daughter might read it.
Man, am I ever safe, after this. Too funny!