Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Excuses, Excuses

I am really good at coming up with excuses to avoid exercise. I was going to get on the hamster wheel again last night, but farted around (no connection to fiber or real flatulence) on the computer and knitted until 10:30 and then decided it was too late cuz I had to get up early for work. Good one, eh? Lose yourself in Facebooktopia and suddenly have it be too late! One point for fatso! (and if you hadn't clued in yet, "fatso" is now the default name for any of my tricky thinking that leads me away from healthy care of my physical being)

I thought I would post some of my other crafty (and lame) excuses and faulty thinking. Have I done this before? I'm too lazy to go back and re-read all of those posts, so too bad if I have. Feel free to add your own excuses.

I'm getting a cold. (this one is true right now and it sucks, but...)
The kids need this/that/etc.
Evening is my only "me" time.
I hate mornings.
I haven't eaten anything first thing in the morning, so my energy level sucks.
I just ate and feel gross.
I'll do it tomorrow, I swear.
I don't have any workout clothes.
I should spend time with my spouse.
I have an idea to blog and will forget it if I don't do it right away.
Healthy living is boring and I deserve more fun via food.
I can't make it to any of those classes at the Y that I want to take!
I already spend too much time away from the kids.

etc. etc. etc. I AM going to get back on the treadmill this evening, once the kids are in bed, and my spouse is gone to golf lessons, and I knit another row on the hat I am making and I put away some dishes, and and and and.....


Em said...

Well I am making excuses as to why I should continue to binge on food. I did really well the past three nights with not eating after supper and then I had a really shitty day today so I gave in to my demons tonight and ransacked my kitchen, scarfing down any garbage I could find (peanut butter chips, hershey's kisses dipped in pb, bowl of rice krispies with some leftover marshmallow creme, crackers). Yikes, just typing that out makes me want to gag and hang my head in shame!

Mia said...

That list didn't make me want to gag. It made me salivate.