Friday, January 9, 2009

Drodant and Erfel

In order to post comments on other people's blogs, they prompt you to type a nonsense word. I'm not really sure what that does for safety of the blog, other than see if you are a live person (hey, that's probably it: no automatically generated blog spam) and check your willingness to follow orders to get what you want.

I want to comment on this blog posting; it's a hoot. What? Type nonsense? Ok, I can do that. Oh, what? Put finger on nose and say, "I'm a time-wasting doofus." Uh, ok...

Anyway, I enjoy the nonsense words. I think they are funny. I'd love to write them all down and start making up definitions for them. Once again, sealing my nomination for the dork-ball hall of fame.

Drodant (from my aunt's blog): brand name of antipersperant for your inner thighs and butt crack to prevent swamp ass after a workout. Feel fresh and clean with Drodant!

I am easily amused.


SarahDee said...

which of our aunts has a blog, and why don't i know about it?

R G Swans said...

have you ever play Balderdash? I think you would be good at it. A few years ago some friends and I used to play this over email. We would take turns finding an obscure word from the dictionary that surely no one would know and then everyone had to submit a definition (without cheating of course)! It was hours of great fun. You should try it!
I am always looking for ways to put off my work!

Mia said...

Julie has one, Sarah (brand sparkly new blogger like yourself).

I have not played Balderdash, that I recall. Sounds fun.

Em said...

I have nightmares from playing Balderdash with my know it all father in law. He's a biology professor so he either actually knows the real definition or he can make up some really good crap that sounds like a real definition.

SarahDee said...

Balderdash: worst game ever invented.
Well, that's my submission for that definition anyway. You have to be really clever and creative to play that game. I am neither. You would definitely be good at it.