Sunday, January 11, 2009

Card Club

I'm such a grownup! I belong to a card club, which I think I have mentioned before. We play Euchre. And if the group ever disbands, I can head down the street to the senior center, cuz they have euchre tournaments there every week. I love card club, though. Sometimes we don't even play cards, but I like it when we do.

The first hour of club is spent eating the buffet of snacks and goodies that we all bring. I always bring little smokies in bbq sauce - a manfolk pleaser. Today I am bringing veggies and dip. But there will be LOTS of other stuff there to eat and I will want to eat it all. I wish weigh-in was on Friday. Weekdays are so much easier on my waistline.

New blogger confirmation word of the day:
Orrgami - fun sex in intricate positions


R G Swans said...

2 miles closer to Mason today!

GrammaJ said...

Hailey had me messing with my settings because she was unable to post at my blog. While doing that, I noticed that I could get rid of the nonsense word others have to type in, but it said the word lessons your chance of spam. Don't know that I need to be concerned about spam, which is a stupid word itself. I've always known it to be pressed canned ham. And now if I take away that option, I'll be taking away your fun :)