Friday, January 8, 2010

P90X Chicken

I know several people who have done the P90X workout. I am afraid of this workout. Mostly, I'm afraid it is one that I will get and then stand there staring at the TV with "the look" while the guy works out. "The look" was coined by my sisters, referring to people in their exercise classes who are glaring at them with the "You expect me to do that? You are nuts. I hate you." message exuding from their inner selves. I have been known to give "the look" often.

So, back to the home workout idea. I used to do Turbokick at home, 5 days per week. Woo! I was on fire, I tell you! I have since been spoiled by group fitness classes on non-carpeted surfaces. Doing TK on carpet is not so nice to my knees because it is difficult to rotate sufficiently on the balls of my feet. Also, when doing a workout at home, I find it so easy to stop when I am tired and just watch those crazy enthusiastic fools sweat their buns off on TV. I do better in a group or class where I feel like a slacker for quitting when everyone else is moving and jumping around. Don't get me wrong, I still think of them all as crazy enthusiastic fools. Sometimes I fantasize that all the participants stop doing the exercises and throw things and swear at the instructor for being a fitness Nazi. This fantasy is really fun because most time the instructor is my sister.

Anyway, I am afraid of P90X. I am afraid that I will quit without social pressure in the room. I am afraid that I can't do the exercises and this will be demoralizing rather than fun or motivating. I am afraid that my desire to be a size where it is fun to shop for clothing and not embarassing to wear a bathing suit is weaker than my desire to work hard to achieve that goal. I am afraid that I will start and not make it through the 90 days because I have a great stockpile of excuses to skip out, and then I will feel like a big ole failure for being a P90X dropout. I am afraid that P90X will be like gym class when we did the Presidential Fitness Tests and I will hate it. I am a big old P90X chicken.

Maybe I'll try the Dancing With the Stars video instead.

1 comment:

The Lada Family said...

a friend burned a copy of it for me after i showed interest... that's as far as I've gotten. I'm not ready for the commitment. 30 day shred is good though!