Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fighting with Myself Right Now

Turbokick and Yoga classes are tonight at 5:15 and 6:15 respectively. I should go. I wish I wanted to. GRRRRRR!!!!!! Flim-flam, hassa-fracka-sacka, grumble, thblthpth!!! (that last bit of noise was me sticking my tongue out and making that spitty noise that I don't know how to spell)

I don't want to go! I should go! I'd feel better if I went! I want to curl up in a sweatshirt and surf the web! I want to be healthy! That's a bunch of crap, I don't give a rip about healthy!! I'll feel like a cow if my sister goes and teaches those classes and I don't go with no good reason! I'll BE a cow if I don't get up off my ass and do something!! I felt so good when I was even four pounds lighter! I can do this, WHY DON'T I WANT TO?!?!?!?!

Ok, then. I have to leave and get my daughter and take her to dance. Everyone root for that girl who works out and feels good, and not for the one who likes short-term comfort and long-term pinchy pants (or worse, BIGGER pants!). ttfn

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