Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Stock Up on Beef Jerkey

Well, my New Year New Diet mode lasted for about 3/4 day yesterday. Sigh. I talked to Loni last night and found out a little bit about the diet plan. It's based on five meals per day. No carbs past the 2 p.m. meal, though Loni says I should eat a whole grain serving of crackers or bread or something when I start so I won't feel deprived so much. I like the way she thinks. There is a way you are supposed to balance fats, protein and "roughage" and carbs. So, she gave an example "snack" meal of 3 ounces of Beef Jerkey and some celery and an orange. For breakfast, she gave the example of a piece of whole grain bread where you cut a hole in the center and fry an egg in the center and eat that with a side of picante sauce. I'm going to try to set up a meeting this week to get more serious about this idea. I even bought fish and scallops and shrimp, cauliflower and clementines. Now, I just need some beef jerkey.

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