Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Well, I went and worked out. I was not great -pretty lame, really. I felt really out of shape! It has been maybe a month since I last worked out, so that should not be a big surprise to me. Getting out of shape happens quickly, and getting in shape is a long haul. That is not a good reinforcement schedue for motivation, I have to say. But I paid my $10 to go to classes, so I am going to make that effort to haul my hind end over there at least once if not twice per week.

I used to do situps (crunches) and pushups every night before bed. It didn't take too long, didn't interfere with my sleep, and over time I noticed a difference in the number of those exercises I could do. I don't remember why I stopped. I'm thinking I could start that up again. Maybe I'll add it to my tracking space.

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