Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Waterpark of Embarassment

We have planned a family trip next month (the 12th-14th) to the Waterpark of America near the Mall of America. We went last year and it was a lot of fun for the kids and for us. The waterpark in the hotel is amazing! There are great waterslides, pools, hot tubs, and even a surf-pool. We will go to the Mall of America and shop just a little bit. This year I think we are going to take my girls and my nieces to lunch at the American Girl cafe where they can bring their dolls. Last year we went to the store and Ava had her doll's ears pierced right before getting her own done at Claire's later that weekend. Fun!

Wait, though. Waterpark. Water. In public. Eeek!! That means wearing a swimsuit! Oh, man. Ok, just found some new motivation to break out of so-so mode and into "lose the Christmas padding" mode. Maybe I'll start wearing my swimsuit around the house so I can avoid eating junk there. So, nobody had better just "drop by" for a visit. Call first.


The Lada Family said...

now THAT is a great idea. I just bought a swimsuit at target as motivation... didn't think about wearing it to the dinner table :-)

SarahDee said...

Oh psh. I really don't think the waterpark of america counts as "out in public". The thought of wearing a bathing suit around the house makes me really cold.