Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Excuses, Excuses

Here are my lame-o excuses for the lack of effort on my part lately (and reasons they are lame):

1) I'm tired. (Um, go to bed a half an hour earlier, dummy, and you are not tired once you get out of bed and get going.)
2) I hate the treadmill. (This is sort of true, but the Ipod makes it "fine" and I feel really good when I am done.)
3) My basement is too narrow (to TK - but I could figure something out)
4) I'm sick of that TK routine (I have three or four of them - sheesh, just pick one and do it)
5) I need to spend time with my kids, not at the Y (take the kids, they like the Y)
6) I don't like Pilates (I've done one section of pilates off of a bad exercise video -never tried a class)
7) It's a birthday,eat a lot (Dumb idea)
8) It's card club, eat a lot (another dumb idea)
9) I'm hungry, eat a lot (ok, but how about eat a lot of salad or high fiber foods or something - not junk or heavy foods)
10) I need to get rid of it, so I'll eat the cake/cookies/etc (another dumb idea - just pitch it. It will be stale if you try to send it to the starving children in Africa)
11) I did some sun salutations, that's better than nothing (true, but not better than a really good sweaty workout that is more cardio based IN ADDITION to your little yoga moves)
12) I'm not as heavy as some people, so... (so what?)
13) I'll start tomorrow (maybe, how about start right now?)
14) But I love that restraunt! (yeah, but if you want to be healthy, you can't eat everything you love. you've tried that approach and it marches you straight to a size 12 or bigger)
15) I didn't bring my lunch cuz I was too tired to get up and pack something. (see #1 - also, pack the evening prior)
16) It's a special occasion (life is full of special occasions, see #14)
17) These pants are baggy (get some pants that fit!)
18) I want to relax (do it after you have worked out)
19) I need to spend some time with my husband (drag his arss downstairs or to the Y)
20) I already showered (are you allergic to soap and water?)
21) I would have to do my hair again (yeah, that is a problem...)
22) I don't have any good workout clothes (because it is a fashion show? good grief, throw on some shorts and a tee shirt)
23) I hate how I look in any workout clothes (hence the reason for working out - changing that look)

1 comment:

SarahDee said...

Ha! I do that same thing...when I know I just need to get rid of the rest of the cake/cookies/whatever, instead of just pitching it, i EAT IT! And then I think, "Wow. That was stupid. You could have just thrown it away!"
I always think of the Sex and the City episode when Miranda throws the chocolate cake in the garbage, and then opens the garbage to eat some more of it. That's totally me. (i haven't gone quite that far though I swear)
Anyway, don't be too hard on yourself. Try to focus on the positives instead of the negatives to keep you going. Doing some sun salutations IS better than nothing. Do a few sit ups before you go to bed tonight cause that's better than nothing too.