Friday, April 11, 2008

Almost Turbo Kicked Her Ass

This week, my husband went over to Sahm's house to watch the NCAA Championship game with her hubby. So, I washed my hair, and did a little "personal care" deforrestation project to get geared up for swimsuit season (gack) and to avoid looking like I have on fake fur underpants underneath my swim suit. In that process, I needed the weed whacker from the garage (no, really just something from the kitchen) and didn't want to throw on my clothes yet, so I just hit the lights in the living room and kitchen and streaked across my house in the dark to avoid givng the neighbors a traumatic experience, and went back into the bathroom.

So, I was in the bathroom, deciding whether or not to try to blow dry my hair, when I heard a noise in the living room (thank goodness I had put on my clothes by this point). I'm a little freaked, thinking, 'Who the hell is in my house?' So, I get into my best Turbo Kick guard pose and crept into the hallway. I am creeping forward, ready to roundhouse kick the hell out of whoever is in my house, when my sister, Sahm peeks around the corner of the hallway! Ha ha ha!!! She was creeping around my living room, thinking I had gone to bed cuz it was so dark in the house. She was one or two steps away from the can of whoopass I was about to open, I tell you. Don't mess with me. I'll kickbox dance all over your sorry ass. ha ha ha!!!!

1 comment:

R G Swans said...

I will remember that the next time I am sneaking into your house at night!!!! Ha....that would have been quite the story at the next turbo class when the instructor comes in with a big black eye from her sister! '
'splain that one....