Monday, April 7, 2008

Hair vs. Ass: Let's Get It On

I got up and walked this morning on my treadmill. I hate mornings, as you all know, but I have friends who are getting their butts out of bed at 5:00 a.m. to walk on their treadmills, so I was feeling like a slug for struggling to get up at 6:00 a.m. So this morning I did it! I won the fight between my warm cozy bed and the first-cold, then-sweaty alertness of my treadmill in the morning. And I feel good. Why don't I do this more often?

I'll tell you why. Besides the struggle with my I'm-allergic-to-mornings disease, I also have to battle the thought of washing and doing my hair. Ok, are you all grossed out thinking, "Um, I hope she washes and does her hair! Otherwise, forget about losing weight and focus on basic human hygiene!" No, no, it's not like that. I have, quite possibly, the most evil hair ever grown on a human head. It is the texture of a horse's tail and so thick I have broken many a pony-tail holder in my day, struggling to get it around my hair more than two twists. And it's wavy. Not curly in a pretty kind of way, and not wavy in that I-just-got-back-from-the-ocean kind of tousle, but big wanky waves that just look poufy and rediculous. So, I wash it, let it air dry (because hairdrying is a rediculously long process that I will only do every now and then) and then tackle it with my flat-iron (the Chi - which is fabulous). This takes me a long time. And because my hair is this way, I do the routine and then do not wash it for three or four days, just brushing it and doing touch ups with the flat iron as needed. And my hair does not get greasy this way (1) because it is so dry and coarse and (2) because my head has learned to adjust the oil levels.

Why the hell is this important at all? Because, if I get all sweaty and such (which I do when I get on my treadmill cuz I throw a couple of running stretches into my walk), then I usually need to wash my hair. So if I work out often, this severly encroaches on my hair schedule and means a lot more work for me. Not just enough to pull my butt out of bed and actually do the work of exercising, but now I gotta add the extra 45 minutes of hair crap. So, there is always this battle between my hair (which does not benefit from the workout) and my ass (which does benefit, in theory). Today my ass won. We'll see about tomorrow.

Counting down - 11 days until my trip to Des Moines. Would like to lose 4 pounds before then. Heck, would like to lose any pounds.

1 comment:

SarahDee said...

First off....why do you need to lose weight to go to DM and whoop it up w/ your sisters and brother (and bro- in-laws)?? I thought I imposed a "no shopping for clothes that will make us crabby" rule? It's all about the shoes that weekend (and possibly some jewelry and home decor or something)
Silly, silly girl.
Secondly, I sympathize. I don't even have the hair/ass's just the damn bed is so cozy and i'm still tired at 6am (heck, i'm still tired at 7am!). My bed won this bravo to you for getting up. I reset the alarm and enjoyed my extra 50 min of sleep...and therefore will go into TK tomorrow having never done the round to the cd. Should be an interesting class! :)