Friday, April 11, 2008

Happy (Burp) Birthday

It is Birthdaypalooza this week. My in-laws (including spouse's parents, grandmothers and brother) were here last weekend to celebrate birthdays, which kicked off the Week of Cake. My brother-in-law's birthday is March 25, my spouse's is April 8 and my daughter's is today! So we do a big three-for-one party with that side of the family every year, which is great. So, that was Sunday, and I felt like I was pretty restrained - ordered a salad with my pizza burger instead of the fries, ate a small piece of cake, oh and a small piece of pie, but sent the rest home with others and left myself one small piece of cherry pie (one of my favorites) and no cake. But then Tuesday rolls around and my spouse wants banana cake, so I am a good wife and I made it with homemade 7-minute frosting. I had one piece that day, and one yesterday, and now that cake is gone. On to today, where we will be bringing home the big cake shaped like a Barbie doll for my daughter's party this evening. She's been coveting that thing in the bakery case for the past few months, and since she is a second child, therefore needing nothing as her sister's old things are in great shape, she gets the crazy expensive cake. I will eat some, of course.

So, that is the end right? I don't want to even think about the number of points consumed in cake this week. But wait, there's more! My nephew's birthday (on my side) is Sunday, so we will be heading to SL tomorrow for a bowl-a-rama party to celebrate his bday and my daughters, and, there will be cake (of course, cuz there should be!!). And I am looking forward to eating it cuz it will be chocolate cake, and I love that stuff. So, I guess it's just a big "whatever" kind of week, trying to restrain myself in between episodes of cake.

Oh, and in the battle between my hair and my ass: my bed has been winning. I got up the ONE time mentioned earlier, and not since. I did yoga work last night (some sun salutations, warrior poses till my legs shook) and some brief cardio things like dancing in my living room to my Ipod. Sigh. Me = wuss

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