Tuesday, April 22, 2008

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

I went to DesMoines this past weekend to whoop it up with my sisters and my brother (oh, and we brought the spouses, too) and had a grand ole time dancing the night away. I got nice and drunk (empty calories, but way worth it)and danced my fool butt off. Well, maybe I only danced off the calories from the alcohol, but it was a good workout at any rate.

A good time was had by all - including my brother in law, Old Man D, who normally is not up for dancing, but sure did that night. He was hillarious because he noticed that he is exceptionally sweaty when he dances. And my spouse who just had knee surgery was dancing off into the crowd, looking back at us with this shit-eating grin like he was some mischevous child. Plus he started jumping up and down when they played House of Pain's "Jump Around" and we all had to yell at him to knock it off. Beer - great curer of pain and eraser of good common sense.

I worked really hard to feel cute, but it was hard amongst my svelt sibs (who will commenting up a storm - "you're too hard on yourself"). Sorry, but it is just no fun to be the chubby one, even if I am not THAT much chubbier. But my hair looked good, my makeup was good and fun, and I threw on some fake eyelashes to round out the "look at my face, not my thighs" effort. So, I am coming back from the trip with good memories and some motivation to eat healthy. And with my siblings as inspiration because they all have worked hard to be at healthy weights. And in tribute to my brother, I am not eating a whole gob because I am sad he is moving away. I raise my banana and almonds to you, Greggy! Love ya!!!!

1 comment:

Em said...

No comment because I would just be beating a dead horse.