Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reduced Fat

I had some nice compliments today on my trim shape, which was nice. It is at about this juncture that I usually fall off the healthy lifestyle wagon and drift right back into celebration mode. I celebrate with cake, of course. See, people start saying how nice I look and how skinny I am and blah blah blah, and I get all cocky and think I can then end my "diet." Thus goes the yo-yo path.

Recall, my goal is to end the yo-yo pattern here, and just live in a reliably healthy weight range. I have a friend who buys formal dresses when she finds them on sale so she has them for our annual formal dance. My dream is to be confident enough in my weight and size that I can do that. I don't see it happening, but it is a good dream.

Anyway, people have noticed my "reduced fat" appearance, but I am not giving up on my food journaling via, and I am still exercising. I still have my brother on board to help me, as well. Thank goodness. Today, after all of those nice compliments, I was starting to think that I could just give up the food journal and be fine with myself as-is. Then I got an email from my brother giving me virtual high fives for my calorie goal accomplishments, but also giving a suggestion that I cut some fat from my diet and try to keep it under 30% of my daily calorie intake. Reality check!! I still have not figured out the healthy balance I am trying to achieve. I have a feeling that all of my uses of almonds, peanut butter, cheese on my sandwich, and those ice cream bars are coming back to haunt me. I'm trying to take this as a new challenge and not get discouraged. Maybe if I follow his advice and eat 'reduced fat' I can be even more 'reduced fat' myself and break through that glass floor that I seen to have set. We shall see.

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