Sunday, October 3, 2010

Another 5K

I did another 5K! That's three in the past three months! I think I am officially "a runner" now, right? I am still really slow, but I improved my time from my last race, so that's great. I'll have to work on speed next, which I am sure involves some sort of torture.

Also, I ran in chilly weather, which is a first for me, at least for a race. My nose was running, my lungs hurt and I was really glad I took my sister's advice and wore an ear warmer. I am not thinking running in the cold is my favorite thing, but I'll keep doing it as long as possible. I also wore gloves and was glad I had them at first and then later was annoyed with them. My sister says she only breaks those out in 30 degree weather. I can see why. I gotta get more gear. This running thing is expensive!

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