Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I am pretty darn sure I have ADHD and have had it all of my life. There are three different kinds of ADHD, you see. There are the "hyperactive/impulsive" type - the kids who cannot sit still, who are chewing on pencil erasers, acting without thinking and are really behaviorally disruptive. There are kids with "combined type" which is obviously a combo of hyperactive and inattentive and these kids are just having trouble all over the place. Then there is the "inattentive" type. This is me.

Inattentive type ADHD - easily distracted, loses things, disorganized, has trouble doing things that require long spans of attention, starts a lot and finishes a little, trouble focusing. As a kid, the annual joke was whether or not I had managed to go through an entire winter on one pair of mittens. My mother threatened to sew them to my coat or get those ones with the string on them. My desk at school was one that barely closed and had papers hanging out and shoved in there like crazy. I did not get math homework done because I could not stand to color the stupid sections after doing the math problems, or would do only a few of each problem but would sit forever trying to get myself to finish the stupid entire sheet of problems. I still struggle with procrastination and doing busy work. I am so easily distracted it isn't funny, and the staggering number of unfinished projects around here is nuts. I also play several instruments badly, know a little about photography and have a test in two weeks that I cannot seem to bring myself to study for.

I think I'm going to make a case for taking meds for this and see what it does for me. What do you think?

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