Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Body Composition - part Marshmallow

Some good news! I was in the top 8 for the Biggest Loser! Did I already mention that? Well, I'll say it again, then. AND, I got money as a prize. Good deal.

Well, during Biggest Loser they offered for us to get our body composition test. I didn't have time the day they were doing it in the beginning, but I did on Monday. So, my friend Cassi got hers done and she had body fat in the "good" range and NO risky fat, down from 9 pounds of risky fat!! Way to go, Cassi!! I was cocky going into this deal. I have been humbled. My body fat percentage was in the "fair" range and I had 2.4 pounds of "risky" excess fat. A little too much marshmallow goo. So, this means I will keep working on this weight loss thing until that goo is gone.

Halloween and Legacy Ball are coming and I am looking forward to feeling good about myself at both events.

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