Monday, October 18, 2010

Evening Gown

There is a charity event in Algona every November, and it is a dinner/dance. I love this! I love getting all dressed up and going for dinner and then dancing. I believe I have mentioned this event before - Prom for grownups! What to wear, what to wear, that is the question. Last year I wore a strapless black dress with a fitted waist and a flared skirt. I loved it and felt very pretty. This year I have decided I would like to wear something with some color. Great! But I live in little tiny Algona, and where the heck am I going to find such a thing without a big shopping trip? The dance is three weeks away and I have got nothing. Anybody have any suggestions on where to shop? Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you already taking any medication? You might look at that if you are and that may be a side effect of the medication.
You might also try finding something you REALLy like to do. B.