Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Made It, Sort Of

Well, I can say that I have completed a 5K race. Notice I did not say that I RAN a 5K. Damn it. I walked! Twice! In my defense, it was getting demoralizing watching people around me walk and still be ahead of me. This one guy in his 50's would walk and when I would get up close to him or pass him then he would run and get out ahead and then walk again. GRRR!!! I really wanted to beat that guy, but I just couldn't. The course was really hilly. I mean REALLY hilly. Oof! I have not run hills like that since, um, maybe ever. It was just a series of hills, the whole way. Nary a flat spot to be found. Bleh. So, I walked twice at the mercy of these hills. And it was HOT! Sun was beating down on me, sweat stinging my eyes... can you picture the torturous scene? I finished in 34 minutes with an 11+ minute mile pace. The guy who won the whole thing finished in 17 minutes - half the time!! Double bleh. I did not get a medal for my age group. I got a Popsicle, an orange slice, a Frootsy Roll, a bottle of water and a sandwich cookie. And the satisfaction, or disappointment of saying that I finished my first 5K.

I will say that this has motivated me to do another one and beat my time in the next event. Storm Lake is pretty flat, so I am gunning for that one and I am going to keep training in the cemetery full of hills. Maybe I'll even run tomorrow - there is a nice place that is flat along the river and is about three miles if you run to one end and back.

On a positive vacation note - I have been eating salads because that is what my brother-in-law has at his house to eat: veggies from the garden! Today I am going to eat festival food and pizza. We'll see how that goes.

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