Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to The Grind

Well, vacation is over. I am back to my regularly scheduled life, and I am kind of relieved. This is a busy week, however. I finished my last test in my regular coursework for this dumb master's degree. That did not happen without two cookies to soothe my nerves. Stupid coping skill. But, it was the last one! yay! Until I have to take the comprehensive exams - boo. I'll probably have to eat a whole pie to get through those.

My kids start school on Wednesday and I will have to go to work early that day so photos are not going to be so great, I suspect. Oh well. We are hosting a going-away card party on Friday night, so there will be great food at that thing for me to work on eating in some sort of moderation. Saturday will be spent packing for a trip to Chicago and getting my family ready for me being gone. This means I will work on meal planning, clothing planning for the girls, schedule arranging and such. Then I leave on Sunday for a week of eating out and more stress.

In good news, I swam yesterday and am thinking this could be another "healthy activity" in my new lifestyle I am crafting. It's hard work, but I enjoyed it. I went for a brisk walk this evening and will run again tomorrow. Weigh in is Wednesday, and if I lose even half a pound, I will have hit the 10 pound mark. 6.3 more pounds from now and I will have lost 10 percent of my original weight. Gotta stick with this! I also now have shorts that need to go in the "get rid of it" pile of things that are too big. yay!

1 comment:

SarahDee said...

Yay is right! Way to go! Don't be discouraged by the 5K walking. You did it and that's all that matters.